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J.J. Abrams beamed off Star Trek?
February 19th, 2007 under Lost, Star Trek. [ Comments: 1 ]

Latino Review is reporting that J.J. Abrams is no longer directing Star Trek XI, instead he will be working on Paramount’s Cloverfield. I wonder what caused him to leave the movie? Granted this movie seems to have been in the works for over a year now and really nothing new has been announced since he was hired to direct the movie.

What I find so interesting is that he the second Television Executive Producer to walk off a long-awaited movie that came from a TV Show in a week, the first being Joss Whedon on Wonder Woman. Things that make you go hmmmm?

UPDATE: AICN spoke with J.J. Abramas again and he is still on Star Trek XI.

Wassup, Mr. Knowles.

Latino Review is getting more bad intel… I am not off Trek!
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