Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Stanley Tucci
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ET ask celebs, what was your worst job?
June 26th, 2006 under Keanu Reeves, Movie Star Gossip, Stanley Tucci. [ Comments: none ]

"I was a maintenance guy at a Bob’s Big Boy in Virginia, and I had to clean the bathrooms," admits "Nip/Tuck"’s top doc DYLAN WALSH, who has come a long way since.

His fellow smooth operator, JULIAN McMAHON, also had to do a nasty bit of washing-up. "I had to clean buckets in a flower store," the handsome Aussie tells ET. "That’s not good, because once the flowers are a couple of days old, they get that stinky, cruddy stuff on them that stinks. It is a nasty job. I had to go to the flower store every morning at 3 a.m. to get the flowers, and then go back at six to clean the buckets. But I got paid and that is all that matters."

‘The Lake House’ star SANDRA BULLOCK also did some time pushing a mop and broom. "I was a cleaning lady in an insurance company and the insurance agency I worked for was pretty gnarly. The stuff in the trash cans and ashtrays!" she exclaims.

Even critically acclaimed actor STANLEY TUCCI did his share of cleaning while waiting for his talent to be discovered, explaining, "I had to clean outhouses. Could there be a worst job?"

But Sandra’s ‘The Lake House’ co-star KEANU REEVES claims he never had a bad job. "I always try to make good out of what I am doing," he philosophizes.

Even though most of the celebrities polled for this story list cleaning as the worst job, there were a few who asked, "Would you like fries with that?"

"I was a waitress in a diner and I got fired seven times, but it was not my fault," declares "George Lopez" star CONSTANCE MARIE. "I got attacked by their Rottweiler one time and they fired me like it was my fault. They put me on the morning shift and then when I got there at 5:30 in the morning, they told me I was on the afternoon shift and [I was told] to go home. I said, ‘I have been working all morning. It is nine o’clock! What am I going to do now?’ Another time, I spilled a whole cake on the floor, and I got fired for that. It kind of sucked."

‘The Devil Wears Prada"’s English beauty EMILY BLUNT was also in the food services. "I worked in a catering company and it was horrendous," she recalls. "I would be banished to the kitchen, because I was wearing the wrong shoes. It was one of those things where you are handing out canapés on these huge trays that my boss would create. I was this scrawny, little 15-year-old who was shaking [and I could barely hold up the tray]."



Seriously if this is true…
June 20th, 2006 under Anne Hathaway, Stanley Tucci. [ Comments: none ]

and this isn’t an inside joke…how sad.

Actor STANLEY TUCCI couldn’t keep his hands off co-star ANNE HATHAWAY on the set of new fashion comedy THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA – because he was fascinated with her breasts. The actress reveals she had to eventually rebuke her co-star when he kept elbowing her in the chest, because she felt it was inappropriate, and it hurt. She explains, "There was this one day where he kept elbowing me in the breast. He wasn’t doing it to be like a dirty old man, but if we were doing a scene or I was just crossing to get to my mark (on the set) he would just smack me in my boob and elbow me. "If you’re a girl you know that hurts. So, after about the fourth time, I finally turned to him and said, ‘Stanley can you please stay away from my t**s?’ "Stanley got really flustered and he said, ‘What do you expect, you’re flinging those melons around like it’s harvest season!’"

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