Some guy thought he only had One Time to make it to the Big Time, so he did that by being the first streaker at Mets brand new stadium. Citi Field is only a few games old and it has already been christened by its first streaker. I bet all the Mets players were hoping that the first streaker wasn’t swinging a bat…
BTW I am a girl and even I felt the pain when he slid into second base naked.
Indy Car female driver driving sensation Danica Patrick was asked by HoundsTV who should play her in the movie about her life if they made one. The speedster said Angelina Jolie, can you blame her? So why am I saying that I really like her now? Because when the 26 year old was asked about Jennifer Aniston, she said this about casting the 40 year old “I don’t think it would be age appropriate…She is older than me.” Me-ouch! I really enjoyed that, even though Jen won’t!!! Thanks Danica!!!
So who would I cast? I say Angie Harmon, Jennifer Love Hewitt or Christina Ricci. Who do you think?
So when I read that there was a fight at the Dodger vs Phillies game, I got all excited because I love a good bench-clearing fight. That was until I saw that fightless fight. Yawn.
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band will perform during the coveted halftime show at the Super Bowl according to Billboard. I know I should be excited about this, but I just never got on the Bruce Springsteen train and I know I am one of the few who feels that way. Positive note at least we won’t have to worry about wardrobe malfunction unless his tight pair of jeans burst at the seams.