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Brad Pitt calls Mel Gibson “Sugar T!ts”!!!
June 3rd, 2009 under Brangelina, Mel Gibson, Spike TV. [ Comments: 1 ]

So this weekend I read how Brad Pitt called Mel Gibson “Sugar T!ts” at Spike’s Guy’s Choice Awards, but I didn’t want to post it until I saw the video! Now that I have seen it, I actually love Brad Pitt a little more that I did before! Seriously how awesome is it that someone finally put Mel Gibson in his place to his face and that person using the Fight Club words was Brad Pitt!!! You go boy!!!
Tune into to Spike TV on June 21st at 10p to see Brad’s Fight Club acceptance speech and also his new movie Inglourious Basterds, that seems to have influenced him, accept theirs!


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