Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sinbad
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Sinbad is alive!
August 14th, 2008 under FX, Sinbad. [ Comments: none ]

Sinbad is alive and kicking (contrary to reports from last year) and will be on this of FX’s It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia starting on September 18th at 10p!
I just love how wrong this show is and I can’t wait to see what the writers come up with for the gang this season. Especially what the heck is that green screen man doing!
BTW I didn’t recognize Sinbad without his famous ‘do.


Sinbad is not dead like his career
March 16th, 2007 under Not Dead, Sinbad. [ Comments: none ]


Someone erroneously posted on Sinbad's Wikipedia page that he died of heart attack over the weekend. Sinbad did an interview with AP and to let them he is still alive and kicking. He told them as soon as the news was posted on Wikipedia he started to receive calls, E-Mails and text messages to see if he was still with us. Who knew there were that many people checking out his Wikipedia page to find the fake update. When he was asked about how he felt about the rumor, he said this  "It's gonna be more commonplace as the Internet opens up more and more. It's not that strange." Sadly I think he is right, don't you. BTW another update on him is that he is doing a tour with his stand-up if you want to see him (a)live!


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