The new Sex and the City trailer |
March 18th, 2008 under Sex and the City. [ Comments: 1 ]
Is it just me, but from that trailer, if Sex and the City wasn’t a TV show before a movie, that chick flick would be going straight to Lifetime? Maybe it just me, I never got in to Sex and the City.
Kim Cattrall shows some flesh |
February 19th, 2008 under Kim Cattrall, Sex and the City. [ Comments: 2 ]
At least Kim Catrall found a way to show off her body without showing off all her cellulite.
Attack of the Killer Scrunchie |
January 25th, 2008 under Sex and the City. [ Comments: 3 ]
But sadly like in horror movies the human survived. Better luck getting Sarah Jessica Parker in the sequel…no survivors from the originals that returns for sequels survive more than 3 sequels!
The Sex and the City movie poster |
January 16th, 2008 under Sex and the City. [ Comments: 1 ]
The poster for Sex and the City is just gorgeous. I so want one of those for my room. I think it is the fact that I love black and pink together, that and can't really see Sarah Jessica Parker's face.
Where is Matthew Broderick’s wedding band? |
December 17th, 2007 under Sex and the City. [ Comments: 2 ]
A few weeks ago there were pictures of Sarah Jessica Parker without her wedding band, and I just thought it was because she was filming Sex and the City The Movie. But now Matthew Broderick is not wearing his ring…things that make you go hmmmm? Maybe they are just one of those couples who don't wear their wedding rings anymore?
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