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Jay Leno gets his Bette Midler moment!
January 30th, 2014 under Bette Midler, Jay Leno, Seth MacFarlane. [ Comments: none ]

When Johnny Carson did his last The Tonight Show, Bette Midler serenaded him. Well yesterday when Bill Maher made his last appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, he brought along Seth MacFarlane to serenade him with their version of Thanks for the Memories. They are no Miss Divine, but they were pretty darn close.


The Dads’ gag that will make you gag!
January 15th, 2014 under Seth Green, Seth MacFarlane. [ Comments: none ]

When I saw the Dads‘ pilot for the first time, I was not fan. Then I rewatched it and found myself laughing more than once. So I decided to give the show a season pass and I am glad that I did because I have laughed with every episodes since the first one.
Last night’s episode did something that no show or movie has done to me since Stand By Me. Not cry, it made me want to hurl. To rework a great joke told by Bill Cosby, “First you see it, then you do it.” You see Eli (Seth Green) got sick at a restaurant and started to throw up. He threw up on his BFF, Warner (Giovanni Ribisi) who then threw up on him and they went all Exorcist on each other over and over again.
Remember that epic Ipecac scene from Family Guy, well Seth MacFarlane made his animation dream come to life and my dinner to come up.
Since I whole heartedly believe that I should not suffer alone, I am sharing that scene with you from last night’s episode. Hope you enjoy it!
BTW is it wrong that I wish I could’ve been at that taping to see that scene live? I think it would’ve caused the audience to recreate that Stand By Me pie eating contest scene.


RIP Brian Griffin
November 25th, 2013 under Seth MacFarlane. [ Comments: none ]

Family Guy shocked us all yesterday (different than they normally do), when they killed off the family dog Brian. No one knew (or possibly cared) that it was coming. Now that we know that our favorite talking dog since Scrappy Doo is hanging out at the Rainbow Bridge, we suddenly care.
The once cancelled animated show didn’t even give us time to grieve because they replaced him with a new dog before the episode ended. Peter’s new best friend is named Vinny and I haven’t been this upset about a change since Felicity cut her hair off. The new addition is such a turn off to me that I am thinking of giving up the show.
Hey Seth MacFarlane, is there any way you can do what you did in Ted and bring back Brian? Afterall it is a cartoon and dogs can come back without an issue.
Take note The Simpsons and be careful who you kill off because I think people will feel the same way as I do about the death/replacement of a fan favorite.


Dads actually got a full season order!
October 25th, 2013 under Lifetime, Seth MacFarlane. [ Comments: none ]

So when I watched the pilot for Dads the first time, I hated it. Then I watched it again and found myself actually laughing a lot. So much so that I decided to check out another episode. Well now I find myself watching the show every week and laughing much more than I should. I guess I am not alone because Fox gave the Seth MacFarlane live-action show a full season.
And the news is also good over at Lifetime because even though they tried to kill Drop Dead Diva, they announced today that show will be back for another season. The 13-episode sixth season will air some time next year.


Believe it or not Fox ordered 6 more scripts from Dad!
October 11th, 2013 under Seth MacFarlane. [ Comments: none ]

When the screeners went out for Dads, the critics universally hated it. I was one of them who hated everything about it. Then I watched the rest of Fox’s new sitcoms and I realized it was their best new comedy. In fact after a second viewing I found myself actually liking it, so much so I now watch it every week.
Well turns out I am not alone because Fox ordered six more scripts from the freshman show according to Variety. While that doesn’t mean the show will make those episodes, there is a pretty good chance they will. Especially since they cancelled the midseason animated show Murder Police before it even aired, so they are going to need to keep something else on the air to fill the whole.


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