Chrissy Teigen was David Chang’s Netflix show Ugly Delicious and revealed that she would eat human meat. Today, when Mrs. John Legend was Strahan, Sara and Keke, Sara Haines wanted to know if she would really do it. The model told her, “I feel like we have eaten everything like everything has been eaten in fine dining. What is the one thing that has not been served?” That thing is you and me on a plate.
Haines followed up and asked what body part would her guest eat? Teigen did not say, but she did offer up her arm if she died of natural causes. When it comes to what body I would eat. I would chow down on some frank and beans. What about you? Also, do you have a shot of blood with your meal?
I know this has been done before in shows like Sweeny Todd, but why hasn’t Ryan Murphy done a season of American Horror Story with carnivores? He could get Teigen to be his new lead.
On that note, if John Legend ever goes missing, I do not think we will ever find his body. The bones, yes, the rest will be the plot of her latest cookbook. Not that she would ever do it.
Before Keke Palmer played Queen Latifah’s daughter in Joyful Noise, she played her in niece in Barbershop 2: Back in Business. Don’t you love how sassy the 8-year-old was in that 2004 movie?
Today on Strahan, Sara and Keke, they got some of the most beloved television sitcom parents of the ’80s and ’90s to appear on the ABC talk show to give us some Thanksgiving tips. What knowledge did Boy Meets World’s William Russ and Home Improvement’ Patricia Richardson, Growing Pains’ Joanna Kerna and Wonder Years’ Dan Luria, Sister, Sister’s Tim Reid and his real-life wife Daphne Reid who was on Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Family Matters’ Jo Marie Payton and Reginald VelJohnson (who are not a real-life couple) share with the hosts? Nothing usable for our Turkey Day festivities, but it was nice to see them all on our TV screens.
Michael Stahan, Sara Haines and Keke Palmer gave us all something to be thankful for on Thursday. They brought on some of our favorite choices of people who we wanted to be our parental units when we were growing up, and we got to see that we still want them for our moms and pops.
Just like kids, you should not have favorites. However, which one of these TV rents would you want as your own?
Sara Haines and Keke Palmer are so obsessed with Bravo’s In a Man’s World, they decided they wanted to find out what it is like to live as the opposite sex. Today Strahan, Sara and Keke, we found out if they were able to do it.
Their first step included them getting a tutorial to find out how the other half lives. Then they had to work on their manly voices before they sat down with hair and makeup for the final transition. When all of that was done, it was time for them to hit the road to see if people would actually believe that they were really Jacks.
Palmer had no problem convincing people she was Keelan. However, her co-anchor, Sean, seemed to creep people out. While Haines was creepy and failed at hitting on women, Palmer noticed she was scaring people. Strahan explained to her why people were afraid of her when she was a he. It is something women do that men don’t.
Do you or don’t you believe that they were grown-up boys? Sorry, Haines, but I don’t know what you were. Palmer, on the other hand, would have fooled me.
Is this the last time we have seen Keelan and Sean? Looks they will be back. In fact, they liked going undercover so much, they cannot wait to do it again. Wonder what they will do next?
Michael Strahan, Sara Haines and Keke Palmer decided to have some fun together and recreate the opening to the iconic ’70s sitcom Three’s Company for their morning talk show Strahan, Sara and Keke. It is so awful that it is actually really groovy. The thing that makes so far out is that they were having a total blast. At the end of the day that is all that matters.
What does Suzanne Somers think of it? She wrote, “You NAILED IT @michaelstrahan @sarahaines @keke! Loved seeing you guys on @goodmorningamerica!! XXOO the OG Chrissy Snow! 🎥 @strahansarakeke #threescompany” I betcha if John Ritter were still with us, he would have begged to be Mr. Roper in it.