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Deadpool takes on Honest Trailer by doing an honest trailer on them
August 22nd, 2018 under Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

Back when Deadpool came out on home video, he teamed up with Honest Trailers to do one on the movie. Now that the sequel is out on digital, it is time for Screen Junkies to do one on that movie.

Instead of doing what they did the last time, this time Deadpool turns the tables on them. As in, he did an honest trailer all about them. Which I am sure several movie producers, directors, writers and actors wish they could have done.

Even if they were given the chance, none of them are as good as Deadpool.

The best part about this Honest Trailer is that they were able to leave Ryan Reynolds out of it!


Do these sunglasses make Ryan Reynolds face look fat?
June 6th, 2018 under Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

Ryan Reynolds found one of his daughters’ sunglasses and decided to try them on. Shockingly, they fit. Although, they do not frame his face very well. They accentuate every feature on his face. So much so, they make the hunky actor look really goofy. Actually, he really looks Goofy from Disney with then on. Don’t you agree?


Ryan Reynolds wants to ‘shut this disgusting rumor down’
May 31st, 2018 under Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

Throughout Ryan Reynolds‘ career, there have been plenty of rumors about him. But now there is one he wants to shut down before he starts it. It is not that he is getting a divorce from Blake Lively. It is not that he and his wife are having their third child. It is not that he and Betty White have been having a tawdry affair since they filmed The Proposal all those years ago. It is not that he used a butt double in Van Wilder.

Therefore, what is it? He said, “I want to shut this disgusting rumor down before I start it. Yes, there’s a scene in #deadpool2 in which I have adorable little baby legs. In order to achieve this illusion I did NOT sit on an actual baby… For more than a minute. An hour, tops.” There you have it.

Not as exciting as you thought. Do not worry, next week there will be a new rumor about him and what he did in that Deadpool suit to titillate us. At least, I hope so!

On a Deadpool 2 note, Yentl comes to Tubi TV tomorrow and you can watch it for free. I bet you cannot wait to hear Papa, do you want to build a snowman! I have not seen the movie yet, but my friends told me it is a running gag in the film that they thoroughly enjoyed. But then again, they liked the first movie and I was disappointed by it. I know, I am the only person who felt that way.


Blake Lively is keeping secrets from Ryan Reynolds
May 28th, 2018 under Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

Blake Lively is starring in a movie called A Simple Favor and the trailer has us asking what that favor is? We all want to know what it is, but no one wants to know more than Ryan Reynolds.

He propositioned his wife on social media by writing, “You can tell me. We’re married. You once drove me to the hospital when you were giving birth. So… what the fuck happened to Emily?” She responded with, “Oh darling, of all the secrets I’m keeping from you, this should be the LEAST of your concerns… trust me.”

What secrets do you think she is hiding from her husband? Are the children his? Was her body double the one who drove them to the hospital when she was in labor? Is she not really a woman? You Outta Know is really about him? Wrong girlfriend. Anyways, what do you think she is hiding from the man that might not be the father of her two daughters? And WTF happened to Emily? Who is Emily? Why do I care who Emily is?


What if Deadpool 2 was like The Golden Girls?
May 25th, 2018 under Betty White, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

Almost 10 years ago, Ryan Reynolds did a movie with Betty White and he has been obsessed with her ever since. Case in point, he reworked their theme song, Thank You For Being a Friend by Andrew Gold, to support his movie. Strangely enough, it actually works because who doesn’t want to be friends with Deadpool?

Now, I just want to know what type of proposal Reynolds made to Rose Nylund to get her to agree to let him be a Golden Girl for a day. After all, he is Dorothy!


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