Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Russell Brand
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Would you want this dynamic duo to save your day?
July 18th, 2010 under Russell Brand. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
For some reason Russell Brand and Luis Guzman will be dressing up as Batman and Robin in the remake of Arthur and I don’t know what my poor eyes did to deserve seeing that. Seriously why would they make us have to sit through Luis Guzman in a Robin costume that was 6 sizes to small on the big screen. And then to have Russell in a Batman suit that faked his body parts. Oh wait that was good thing because that suit gave him a really cute butt!
BTW I love the last picture where he looks unhappy to be getting a free hand job, boy Katy Perry has really changed him.


Helen Mirren finds Russell Brand’s beard
July 13th, 2010 under Helen Mirren, Russell Brand. [ Comments: none ]

WireImage (Russell Brand)
Helen Mirren and Russell Brand are filming a remake of Arthur and the Get to the Him Greek star shaved off his beard and chest hair for the movie. Well looks like all those hairs were made into a fake beard because both of them were photographed with it and yellow-rimmed sunglasses. Well Katy Perry’s fiancee’s shots were from the paparazzi, and the Oscar winner’s were by Arthur himself. In fact RustyRockets Tweeted this message with this picture, “Helen Mirren has been successfully corrupted. She is also now pregnant.” Why did he do that to her? What will their kid look like? It probably will have their beard. Poor Helen Mirren has been tainted…:(


Russell Brand dumps the beard
July 9th, 2010 under Russell Brand. [ Comments: 1 ]

Russell Brand has gotten rid of the beard, not Katy Perry but the facial hair we are so used to seeing him with for the remake of Arthur. I don’t know about you, but without the beard he looks a lot like Weird Al Yankovic to me. When it comes to him doing the remake of Arthur, I don’t want to talk about it because it really depresses me even though I sort of liked him in Get Him to the Greek.
BTW I so could have done without seeing his belly button and seeing him in those revealing blue pants.
Finally I love that last picture because the tourists in the bus could care less that Russell Brand is strutting by them.


BTWF roles: Russell Brand on Mud
June 23rd, 2010 under Before They Were Famous, Russell Brand. [ Comments: none ]

Before Russell Brand kissed a girl named Katy Perry, he kissed a different girl on Mud. Seeing the 18 year old actor clean cut without a beard in that 1994 episode left me totally speechless. Wow, I seriously never would have known that was him if they didn’t make it clear that it was.


Caption Russell Brand!
June 23rd, 2010 under Caption the Celeb, Russell Brand. [ Comments: none ]

People Magazine
This picture of Russell Brand has Caption Me written all over it, so go ahead and do it!

Winner of the last Caption The Celeb:

LOOK wrote for Caption the couple behind Beyonce and Jay-Z!…”WHO IS THAT FAT PIG WITH THAT DIRTY FRIZZY MOP ON HER HEAD?”


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