Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Russell Brand
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Katy Perry says Russell Brand stinks in bed!
August 21st, 2010 under Russell Brand. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Russell Brand’s Twitter)

Katy Perry says that her future husband stinks in bed, and when I say stinks I mean as in P-U. The singer told The Sun, “Being a vegetarian his farts are the worst things ever. Lingering and revolting. Then he tries to Dutch oven me! Just too gross.” I don’t know what she sees and smells in him, I guess the former-sex addict must be really really really good in bed when he is not farting.
BTW I thought Dame Helen Mirren had that facial reaction in that picture because she was looking at his penis, now I think it is because he probably just laid a big smelly fart. Poor Helen!


Didn’t Helen Mirren read the script before she signed on for Arthur?
August 10th, 2010 under Helen Mirren, Russell Brand. [ Comments: none ]

Dame Helen Mirren has done some strange things for the remake of Arthur, but none of them were as weird as the picture Russel Brand Tweeted today. He added this caption to the picture, “At last. A bath from Helen Mirren. Never has getting clean been more dirty.” I don’t know about you, but I need a shower after that picture because I won’t be able to take a bath without thinking of that image. Seriously what did the Oscar winner do to deserve this? Didn’t she read the script before she agreed to do the movie? Because if she did, I wonder if she would’ve have agreed to still do the film. Unless they left the pages out that asked her to bathe Russell Brand.
BTW somewhere Dudley Moore is turning over in his grave seeing what Brand is doing his biggest movie.


Russell Brand hurts my eyes
August 6th, 2010 under Russell Brand. [ Comments: 3 ]

Bauer Griffin Online
Russell Brand is filming scenes from his upcoming movie Arthur and after seeing his blue balls there is no way I am going to see the remake that didn’t need to be remade. If he looks that bad in these little pictures imagine how disgusting he is going to look on the big screen. I shudder at that the thought.
BTW who else thinks he is stuffing and if he is don’t you think he would’ve added some much needed bulge?


Russell Brand strips in a Church
July 28th, 2010 under Russell Brand. [ Comments: 1 ]

Fame Pictures
Russell Brand was filming a scene for Arthur and even he was nervous about it. RustyRockets Tweeted, “Stripping in a church? I mean I know Jesus doesn’t over dress but is there a way back from this ungodly muck?” Nice to know even he has some standards. Although seeing him in just his underwear and black socks, I wish he had more. I wasn’t planning on seeing the remake with out the late great Dudley Moore, but now that I know that he will have a nude scene in the movie there is no way in heck you could get me to see it. Hopefully Katy Perry will feed him some of the cake she is always wearing because he needs to put on few pounds.


Never trust a guy with a bun!
July 27th, 2010 under Russell Brand. [ Comments: 1 ]

Bauer-Griffin Online
Russell Brand was on a break from filming Arthur, so he decided to go to the gym. I don’t have a problem with ’70s workout attire that screams let’s go to the roller rink but that bun has got to go. I have seen men wear their hair back with a head band or a ponytail, but I have never seen a man with a bun. So I have to wonder about the soon-to-be Mr Katy Perry? What is trying to tell us with his hair on the top of his head like that? I mean seriously what is up with that?


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