Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Russell Brand
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Russell Brand does something worse than Arthur
May 6th, 2011 under Russell Brand. [ Comments: 9 ]

Fame Picture
Russell Brand is in Miami and while he was there he rode the waves on wave runner and to do so he wore short, tight bathing trunks. I can’t remember when my poor eyes were so confused. Are they supposed to be like Katy Perry is one lucky woman or are they supposed to be grossed out. Consider I threw up in my mouth when I saw the pictures, I think we know my answer.


If Robin Williams and Billy Crystal had a son…
April 13th, 2011 under Billy Crystal, Robin Williams, Russell Brand. [ Comments: none ]

…it wouldn’t be Russell Brand.
I saw these pictures or Robin Williams, Billy Crystal and Russell Brand together like that and I could just picture Brand wishing he was the next generation of them. But even though I will admit, I think he is funny, he is know where as brilliant as those two! So if they had a son it wouldn’t be him, in fact I can’t think of anyone of the next generation who could hold a candle to the Oscar winner and Oscar hist, can you?


I am in love with Russell Brand’s Arthur!
March 2nd, 2011 under Russell Brand. [ Comments: none ]

I have said this before, but when I heard that Russell Brand was remaking Arthur I was all ready to boycott the film. But then I saw the first trailer and I changed my mind. And now after seeing the second trailer I so am dying to see it when it comes out on April 8th. The first trailer showed the funny side, you know how we really got to know Russell. But the second one shows a more tender side that still makes us laugh and that is how we are getting to know Mr Katy Perry. Getting a look at both version is really making this movie seem more appealing to more people. Did I really just say that about Russell Brand?


Russell Brand is a mama’s boy!!!
February 28th, 2011 under Russell Brand. [ Comments: none ]

Russell Brand needed a date to the Oscars because his wife is on tour, so he took his beautiful mom. I never thought it was possible for me to like him (maybe even more) but seeing how proud his is of his mom made me to do just that! Seriously aren’t they awwwdorable? It can’t be the Mr Katy Perry we know.


I am drinking up the Arthur trailer!
February 10th, 2011 under Russell Brand. [ Comments: none ]

When I read that Russell Brad was redoing Arthur, I was pissed and thought it was a bad idea. After watching the trailer it really looks like a stand alone movie that could actually be really funny. Not as good as the ones that the late great Dudley Moore’s, but still good enough to see when it comes out on April 8th!
BTW I think Helen Mirren is going to steal the movie!


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