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Pete Townsend talks about Mick Jagger’s Rolling Stones!
June 7th, 2011 under Rolling Stones. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from WireImage)

Keith Richards, Janice Dickinson and even Mick Jagger himself have said that the lead singer of The Rollings Stones has a small mic, but there is someone Who says he plenty to fill a Rock and a Hard Place! The Who’s Pete Townsend told The Sun, “I think it’s sad that we will only remember Keith’s book because of what he said about the size of Mick’s genitals. Which, by the way, to use an apt term, is b*******. I’ve seen them and they are not small. And it is not just the balls that are big.” So Who do you think is telling the truth about Mick’s Rolling Stones?


The Rolling Stone’s Ronnie Wood arrested
December 3rd, 2009 under Rolling Stones. [ Comments: none ]

The Rolling Stones' Ronnie Wood was arrested for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend, Ekaterina Ivanova that is more than a third of his age according to Sky News. 

A Surrey Police spokesman said: "We can confirm that a 62-year-old man from Esher was arrested last night on suspicion of assault in connection with a domestic incident in Claygate High Street.

"He has this afternoon been released on bail until a date in January pending further inquiries."

This is not the first time that 62 year old rocker and his 20 year old girlfriend had the police called to their place because of their fighting, back in September they were question over a verbal fight in which The Mirror reported she threatened to kill herself.  
Sadly his ex-wife, Jo only got a reported £6.5 million when their divorce was finalized last month after 20 years of marriage. She should've gotten a whole lot more because it is rumored he left her for his current girlfriend.


A Tale of Two Charlies Retiring
September 2nd, 2009 under Rolling Stones, TV News. [ Comments: none ]

(photos from ABC News (Gibson) and WireImage (Watts)

If your name is Charlie and you are over 65, today seems like a good day to retire. Both ABC’s World News anchor Charlie Gibson and The Rolling Stones Charlie Watts are retiring from their jobs.
Charlie Gibson, 66, announced this morning that he will be stepping down from his ABC News anchor chair at the end of the year.

I have always been taught you should never bury the lead – so I write toP tell you that I have told David Westin I want to step down as anchor of World News, and retire from full time employment at ABC News.
It has not been an easy decision to make. This has been my professional home for almost 35 years. And I love this news department, and all who work in it, to the depths of my soul.

Good Morning America’s Diane Sawyer will replace one of the last few journalists left in the business in January. As of now no word who will be replacing her on GMA, but you know every female anchor in the biz is going to be gunning for that position.
Now from the land of TV news to Rock n’ Roll, Undercover is reporting that Charlie Watts, 68, has retired The Rolling Stones’ drummer. He will no longer record or tour with the band that is expected to get back to work next year. Undercover is also reporting that the band already has a replacement in mind.

“The Stones are looking to Keith’s Expensive Winos drummer Charlie Drayton to fill the void in all future Stones’ callings.”

Wow, it will be weird to see The Stones without him afterall he has been with them for over 43 years longer than most of you reading this and I have been alive.

: The Rolling Stones deny that Charlie Watts has left the band.


Mick Jagger is a senior citizen
July 26th, 2008 under Rolling Stones. [ Comments: none ]

(painting by Paul Karslake)
Mick Jagger is officially a senior citizen today as he turns 65. If this is what the senior citizen is like, I am not as scared to become one…just a little tiny bit.
This was a big week for The Rolling Stones, not only because Mick turned 65, but because they left EMI for Universal according to the NY Times

Ronnie Wood enters a rehab
June 30th, 2008 under Rolling Stones. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from WireImage
Rolling Stones' Ronnie Wood who is an alcoholic entered rehab after a wine-tasting session according to WENN.
A spokesman for the star says, "The fact he checked himself in because it was Leah's wedding shows, I think, that he is very capable of controlling it."
He looked so happy at his daughter's wedding last week, hopefully now that he is getting the helps he needs he will be happy again!     

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