Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Robert Pattinson
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Even animals want to bite Robert Pattinson!
July 14th, 2010 under Robert Pattinson, Twilight. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Bauer-Griffin Online)

As we all know Robert Pattinson plays a vampire in The Twilight Saga movies and because of that there have been woman that have tried to bite him. Well while he was filming his new movie Water for Elephants, he found out it wasn’t only chicks that wanted to taste him but also the King of the Jungle. He told OK!, “Almost every day I’m working with an exotic animal… It’s insane, like I got bitten on the arm by a lion with no teeth. They were like, ‘It’s fine, he does it all the time.’ And I was like, ‘Erm, OK…’ But they had to get him to do it harder, because he was being so gentle and just licking my arm.” The lion probably liked what he was tasting and was just tenderizing him for later. BTW how many Twilhards do you think are jealous of that lion?


Robert Pattinson and a dog!
July 8th, 2010 under Robert Pattinson, Twilight. [ Comments: none ]

Bauer-Griffin Online
Robert Pattinson was a shooting a scene for Water for Elephants and he was seen holding a pup it. What more do you Twilhards need to go awwww. Actually you don’t have to be a fan of Twilight to say that he is so awwwdorable…and so is Robert Pattinson!!!


The many faces of Robert Pattinson
June 25th, 2010 under Robert Pattinson, The Many Faces of, Twilight. [ Comments: none ]

Robert Pattinson attended the LA premiere of Twilight: Eclipse yesterday and by the looks of his face he has a lot to say about it. His expressions range from sexy to devilish to dorky and all of them are cute.
BTW here is one more picture that doesn’t show his face for you Team Edward Twihards to enjoy!


Which waxed Robert Pattinson do you like better?
March 25th, 2010 under Better than..., Robert Pattinson, Twilight. [ Comments: none ]

WireImage London (bottom) and New York (top)
Twilight’s Robert Pattinson got not one, but two wax statues of him revealed at Madame Tussauds in New York and London yesterday. So looking at both statues which one do you like better?
I think from the picture below, you can tell the Twihards preferred the one in The UK.


Hey Twihards, Robert Pattinson says you’re making him deaf
March 24th, 2010 under Robert Pattinson, Twilight. [ Comments: none ]

Robert Pattinson has always said that he hates his screaming fans, and now according to OK! he is saying that he fears their screams will make him deaf. He said, “I’m almost completely deaf anyway. So I’m worried. I’m very worried.” You would think his helmet head of hair would be protecting his ears, but even I got a headache from that clip above and that was just them screaming for less than minute. Imagine what it is like for hours, day after day? It is incredible he doesn’t have ringing in his ear when he is away from it all.
BTW I thought Vampires had super hearing, guess Edward Cullen doesn’t?


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