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A mini-Party of Five reunion
November 18th, 2008 under Reunions. [ Comments: 1 ]

TV brother and sister Neve Campbell and Scott Wolf aka Julia and Bailey Salinger were seen hanging together last night in Los Angeles. Were these former TV siblings just hanging out or could The CW be considering spinning off another Fox show and these two want to be part of the Party? The CW has 90210, they are looking at doing Melrose Place…so why not Party of Five?
BTW what is up with Neve Campell’s hair? Frizzball city!


Brady Bunch week on Trivial Pursuit: America Plays!!!
November 11th, 2008 under Reunions, The Brady Bunch. [ Comments: none ]

It is a Brady Bunch reunion this week on Trivial Pursuit: America Plays, that is hosted by Christopher Knight aka Peter Brady. All the Brady children except for Maureen McCormick (who is pimping her boring book) are helping him out. Susan Olsen aka Cindy being the same little tattle-tale sister that she was on the show, posted this video of Eve Plumb aka Jan Brady using the F-word on the show. Well maybe not the show because according to her it didn’t make it. I can’t wait to see them all playing!
BTW if you have never seen Trivial Pursuit: America Plays, you should check it out not only for The Brady Bunch reunion but because it really is a lot of fun and fast-paced!!!


A Mary Tyler Moore Show reunion!!!
August 8th, 2008 under Reunions. [ Comments: 2 ]

The cast of The Mary Tyler Moore Show got together yesterday to help Betty White celebrate 60 years in show business and what an amazing 60 years it has been fro Miss Betty White.
BTW how amazing and youthful does the cast look?
What a classic show TMTM show was and what a legendary actress Betty White is!!! 

A mini-Brady Bunch reunion
July 22nd, 2008 under Reunions, The Brady Bunch. [ Comments: 1 ]

The youngest (Susan Olsen aka Cindy) and oldest (Barry Williams aka Greg) Brady Bunch kids got together for lunch and also to get the message out there about Precious Paws. Precious Paws rescues abandoned cats, gets them fixed and tested before finding homes for those adorable cats! How adorable are those 3 kitties they brought out to get the word out there?
Also Susan Olsen is part of a reality show for Fox Reality called Gimme My Reality Show that is taping right now, so check out Susan Olsen’s MySpace to make sure she gets one!!! C’mon it is Cindy Brady she so deserves her own reality show!!!


A mini-Buffy reunion!
July 15th, 2008 under Reunions. [ Comments: 5 ]

Faith, Angel and Mr. Buffy aka Joss Whedon were all together at the Fox TCAs yesterday. Eliza Dushku and Joss Whendon were there to promote their mid-season show Dollhouse and David Boreanaz was there for Bones. As much as I like Joss and Eliza working together again, looking at these pictures I wish Joss had spinoff with Faith and Angel hitting the airwaves instead. How hot would a spinoff with those two and Spike be. Where is James Marsters anyways?

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