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David Duchovny in rehab for being a sex addict
August 28th, 2008 under Rehab. [ Comments: 2 ]

(photo © Showtime)
David Duchovny, who plays a man that gets a lot of sex on Showtime's Califronication, has in real life checked in to rehab for being a sex addict according to what his lawyer told People.
"I have voluntarily entered a facility for the treatment of sex addiction," the actor says in an exclusive statement. "I ask for respect and privacy for my wife and children as we deal with this situation as a family."
Hopefully he is getting the help he needs. I just feel bad when he gets out when all the press asks him about it. What a thing to have to talk about.
I know it is weird to plug that Califronication is going to be back on Showtime on September 28th, but it really is a good show and he is great in it. Even if now we know why he was so able to get in to character.

Heather Locklear is in treatment for anxiety and depression
June 24th, 2008 under Heather Locklear, Rehab. [ Comments: 2 ]

(photo from Pacific Coast News)
Heather Locklear has entered a treatment facility in Arizona for anxiety and depression according to People.

"Heather has been dealing with anxiety and depression. She requested an in-depth evaluation of her medication and entered into a medical facility for proper diagnosis and treatment," says Locklear's rep, Cece Yorke. "This is a confidential medical matter and no further statement will be released." 

Hopefully she will get the help she needs.  


Sean Young the Heckler
January 30th, 2008 under Rehab. [ Comments: none ]

via The Hollywood Reporter
Did Sean Young think she was at a Comedy Club and not at the DGA Awards. I guess that is why she is in rehab now, it is wrong to heckle at the DGA Awards. But in her defense he did need to “Get On With It!” Hopefully he will be more prepared if wins the Oscar. And has anyone heard of or seen that movie?


John Goodman was in rehab
October 18th, 2007 under John Goodman, Rehab. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from ONTD
Actor John Goodman was in rehab for undisclosed reasons according to AP. He issued this statement, "For my family and myself, I voluntarily took the necessary steps to remain sober the rest of my life." Goodman was in Promises, the same rehab facility that Britney Spears was in. Hopefully John Goodman will have better results. 

Lindsay Lohan opens up about rehab
October 9th, 2007 under Lindsay Lohan, Rehab. [ Comments: 1 ]

Barely out of rehab and Lindsay Lohan has already done her first post-rehab interview with OK! Magazine.
On why she went in:
"I hit rock bottom," she confesses. "Everything in my life came to a point where I had to make a decision."
On the rehab experience:
"It was a sobering experience," she added "It made me look at myself and all the people, places and things in my life in a different way."
Is she LA bound?
"I'm going back to shoot Dare to Love Me, but I plan on returning to Utah so I can stay focused and avoid other distractions."
But how will she handle being back in Hollhywood?
"Tempation is always there. But now I'll avoid it the right way."
Her outlook on her future.
"I'm here to stay," she tells OK! with conviction. "My talent is a gift and I'm going to use it."
It sounds like Lindsay Lohan finally got her act together and I can't wait to see how she has changed. She has the potential to be great actress, hopefully now that she is clean and sober we will see it. And hopefully she will remain clean and sober. 

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