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Even basketball players get scared!
January 9th, 2014 under Pranks, Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

via Sporting News
So as the Houston Rockets entered the court for practice they noticed an inflatable version of their mascot, Clutch, outside of it. They didn’t think anything of it until after they were done playing hoops. That’s because there was a person inside of Clutch and they came to life as the players came through the doors. So even those these guys are over 6′ tall that doesn’t stop them from being scared like a little girl if someone surprises them or should I say someone in an inflatable mascot costume suddenly comes to life. Because of that I love these tall guys a little bit more, especially Dwight Howard. The editors definitely saved the best scare for last, so make sure to watch the prank all the way through for it.


Ever wonder if people are listening to your cell phone conversations?
December 17th, 2013 under Pranks. [ Comments: none ]

How many times have you been at a place like the airport and thought someone was listening to that conversation you were having? Well MediocreFilms pranked people by not only listening to their calls, but responding to what they were saying to the person on the other line. How will they react? You just have to watch to find out. And wonder what you would do if you were the caller and a stranger was responding to everything you were saying. I am not sure what I would do.


The Worst Twerk Fail EVER is the best late night prank on us EVER!
September 10th, 2013 under Jimmy Kimmel, Pranks. [ Comments: none ]

Late last week a viral video took the internet by storm and yesterday we found out the truth about the girl who was part of the Worst Twerk Fail EVER. Turns out the video was a prank and Jimmy Kimmel Live was behind it all. Caitlin Heller is really a stuntwoman that the ABC late night show hired two months ago to make this video and Caitlin Heller is not even her real name.
To say that JKL got us all really good would be an understatement. The show honestly pulled off one awesome prank that the whole world fell for including me, and no one realized that they were the ones behind it. I mean a lot of people guessed it was a fake, but no one would have ever guessed in a million years that a late night show was the one who perpetuated it.
Seriously I don’t know if I should be pissed at Jimmy Kimmel or shake his hand for being the mastermind behind this hoax. I am leaning more towards being pissed about it.


These people went nuclear over this prank!
September 5th, 2013 under Pranks. [ Comments: 1 ]

So three people went in for a job interview and they wound up getting the scare of the lives.
The window behind the interviewer was replaced with an 84″ Ultra HD television that’s image is so lifelike it looked as though they were looking out at the city they know oh so well. Then all of sudden something was seen catapulting from the sky down towards the city. So naturally they freaked as they thought it was the end of the world, only to realize they were being pranked to promote the new LG television.
Well that gag guaranteed that those three people will never ever buy another LG product for the rest of their lives. At least that is how I would react if they tried to pull that sh!t on me.
BTW I love at the end when they say, “LG, Life’s Good”. Yeah you just scared the bejesus out three people by wiping out a country and letting them think the world is coming to end, but it’s OK, Life’s Good. Bad slogan to follow that ad. Just saying!


The magical prank that makes people disappear!
July 23rd, 2013 under Pranks. [ Comments: none ]

via Daily Mail
So Andy Gross lived up to is last name when he scared several people on the street. The magician appeared to have cut himself in half and walked up to unsuspecting people with his legs and upper body unattached. Their reactions are so priceless that you are going to watch this video all the way through. Especially how overboard the last person went when they saw him.
What would you do if you saw him? I would do the same thing the last person did.


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