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Her reaction is as good as the ghostly prank!
July 8th, 2013 under Pranks. [ Comments: none ]

So a guy decided to prank his girlfriend by putting a cloth puppet ghost on the television while she was sleeping in the middle of the night. Then once everything was set up, he went upstairs and made a fake a ghostly boo to wake her up. What happens next is something you have to watch because you won’t be able to stop laughing since it is just that perfect.
I have to admit if I was James Williams’s girlfriend, instead of hugging him, I totally would have been beating the sh!t out of him for scaring me like that. But since I am not his girlfriend, I am glad he did that because I needed the laugh!
BTW this isn’t the first time he tried to prank her, it’s just the first time he got it right.


When a late night prank turns out to be something so special!
May 12th, 2013 under Jay Leno, Pranks. [ Comments: none ]

So The Tonight Show was doing a Pumpcast News at the Costco here in Burbank, and what happens next is one of the greatest things you have ever seen on late night TV! Will Sims was pumping gas when the man in the pump screen started talking to him as he was singing. Then the guy asked him if he was a singer and he said he does Karaoke. So the anchor asked him to sing something and Will started to bust out Bon Jovi’s Living on a Prayer. Once he started you knew, he was really talented even though his wife was laughing her a$$ off in the car. When he was done wowing us, the anchor asked him to bring out his wife. At first Monifa refused, but then she came out and sang Eurythmics’ Sweet Dreams just as good as her hubby did Bon Jovi. When they were done putting huge smiles on our faces, Jay Leno invited to be on The Tonight Show and sing along with Rickey Minor.
I am sure no one ever expected a prank to turn out to be something sso amazing, but that is exactly what happens when the right people take part in it. Thank you to Will and Monifa for making our day a whole lot brighter.

xoxo Leslie!


Jimmy Kimmel’s son pranks his dad in one of the JKL challenges
June 18th, 2012 under Jimmy Kimmel, Pranks. [ Comments: none ]

Jimmy Kimmel likes to issue challenges for family members on holidays and then asks them send in the video evidence of their loved ones being tortured. This time he asked kids to go after their dads for Fathers Day. He dared them to soak their daddy with a hose on their special day, only thing is he forgot he is a dad. So his mini-me Kevin totally drenched his pops in front of the camera, thus adding Papa Kimmel to the Hey Jimmy Kimmel, I Sprayed My Dad With a Hose montage. I am sure that every person who has suffered because of Kimmel’s challenges totally love Kevin for doing to Kimmel what they have wanted to since they were reluctantly made part of one of his jokes. Only thing is I wish the ABC late night host’s son wouldn’t have been so easy on his old man. If it were me I would’ve gotten him so wet, that he would’ve felt like he just took a swim in all of clothes.


Naked prankster 0, Plexiglass fence 1!!!
January 12th, 2011 under Awesome Videos, Pranks. [ Comments: none ]

via Jimmy Kimmel Live
So some guy had the huge balls (not that we saw) to run naked around the Quad and then attempt to run into a racquetball court. Only problem is the Plexiglass door to enter it was looked and he ran smack right into it…penis first. Being the suave dude that he was, he picked up his extremely red a$$ and ran all the way home and transferred schools.
BTW tell me I am not the only person who can’t stop watching it. It is highly addictive.
Granted I have taken a few seconds to stop and watch Hillary Clinton fall during her trip to Yemen.


Even the Today Show pranks are boring
November 6th, 2009 under Pranks, TV News. [ Comments: 1 ]

So today is practical joke day on the Today Show and it isn’t even my birthday April Fool’s Day. So Matt Lauer teamed up TV Guide Magazine to play a prank on his co-hosts. Al Roker, Ann Curry and Meredith Vieira were told they were going to be on the cover to TVGM, but what they didn’t know was that Matt hired a bunch of actors to make the experience beyond weird. I was hoping for once I would find the Today Show entertaining to watch, but I found myself nodding off while I was watching that clip. How do people wake up watching that show because it always puts me back to sleep. And to be honest so do all the other morning news shows.


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