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Post Malone’s wax figure looks more like him than he does
June 13th, 2024 under Madame Tussauds, Post Malone. [ Comments: none ]

Post Malone got his own wax figure at Madame Tussauds Las Vegas. So, he wanted to see what it looked like in person.

The singer was so amazed by it, he said it was “insane!”

I think it is insane that I recognized who the life-size candle was before the actual person.

I hope that grill comes out and that he didn’t do a Kanye and get his teeth replaced with platinum. But it is his mouth, and he can do what he wants.


BTWF: Post Malone singing Why Don’t You Love Me
June 12th, 2024 under Before They Were Famous, Post Malone. [ Comments: none ]

Before Post Malone was topping the music charts, he turned in the music video for Why Don’t You Love Me for a school project. So that is what he looked like before he had tattoos on his face.

Do you prefer 17-year-old Post in 2012 or 28-year-old Malone in 2024?


Post Malone, is that you?
August 29th, 2023 under Post Malone. [ Comments: none ]

We are used to seeing Post Malone looking disheveled. However, in his latest photo, the singer cleaned up his act by wearing a black buttoned-down shirt, black slacks with a silver belt, a black leather jacket, and a camouflage brown fitted baseball cap. Because of all of that, he is unrecognizable. So much so that he wants to introduce us to Viceroy Chungus VonBattlepass.

Hopefully, it works out better for him than Chris Gaines for Garth Brooks.

Do you think his alter ego has a chance? I think he looks better now and is too cool to die.


Post Malone taught Randy Travis how to play beer pong
October 21st, 2022 under Post Malone. [ Comments: none ]

Randy Travis might be 63 years old, but he is not too old to learn how to play beer pong. So Post Malone taught the Country legend how to do it. And after that, everyone chugged because they were all having a great time.

So much so, Travis said, “Post Malone is the nicest guy in the world — taught me how to play beer pong the other night! And his fans and crew are incredible! So much love and positivity in the room. I enjoyed the heck out of his show!”

So if Post comes to your town, make sure to get tickets and support the singer. Who knows? Maybe he will invite you to play beer pong with him!

Seriously, this is the best video of the day and we need more like it!


Post Malone cancelled a show because of injured ribs
September 26th, 2022 under Post Malone. [ Comments: none ]

On September 17th, Post Malone fell through the stage and injured his ribs. He had them checked out at the hospital and was given some drugs to make him feel better. And he went on with the shows.

However, on Saturday, the singer was in so much pain, he found himself back in the hospital. “Boston, I love y’all so fucking much.

“On tour, I usually wake up around 4 o’clock PM, and today I woke up to cracking sounds on the right side of my body. I felt so good last night, but today it felt so different than it has before. I’m having a very difficult time breathing, and there’s like a stabbing pain whenever I breathe or move. We’re in the hospital now, but with this pain, I can’t do the show tonight. I’m so fucking sorry. Everyone’s tickets for tonight’s show will be valid for the reschedule that we’re planning right now. Once again, I’m so fucking sorry, I love y’all so much. I feel terrible, but I promise I’m going to make this up to you. I love you Boston, I’ll see you soon.💕I’m so sorry. -Love, Austy”

I know what he is going through. When I was 20, I was in a car accident and injured my chest. I had an x-ray at the hospital, and everything looked OK. A week later, I told my orthopedist that I could feel my chest plate moving back and forth when I moved. And the doctor told me I cracked my sternum. All I could do was wrap my chest because there is nothing else I could do.

Hopefully, Post is feeling better and will be able to go on with the shows.


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