Here is the strangest rumor of the day according to ITN…they are reporting that Lindsay Lohan is in talks to play Paris Hilton in a biopic. Wait it gets even stranger, "There have already been negotiations with a major film company to make the Paris Hilton Biopic with Lindsay Lohan playing Paris – and Paris herself and Britney Spears singing the soundtrack." Seriously what do you say to that, except that I hope it happens because you know it will be so bad it will be great!!!
Us Weekly is my new favorite magazine because it has opted to have a Paris Hilton-free issue this week!!! The Us Weekly editor told the AP, "When it came down to it, the staff and I felt what I believe a lot of people in America are feeling. Which is just enormous Paris fatigue." Amen! What is even better is they added, "I don't think we even mention the city of Paris." How amazing is that? I wonder how Paris took the news? You know she is all about the publicity!
So what got the Us Weekly editor to say this, "That will elevate her, probably, back onto the cover," Paris will have to have a baby to get back on the cover. Let's hope that is a long way away…
Seriously what do you say, the picture says it all…
Here is an interesting fact about Paris Hilton's interview for tomorrow on Larry King Live. Paris is going to do her interview tomorrow at the same time that Paul McCartney is doing a free surprise concert across the street for CNN in LA at Amoeba. It is going to be crazy tomorrow afternoon at Sunset and Cahuenga in Hollywood.
Paris Hilton will be released from prison on Tuesday according to People. Sgt. Duane Allen, Jr. said, "There was some confusion as to whether it would be Monday or Tuesday, and we just wanted to let people know what was happening." So there it is, Paris Hilton will be back in our lives full time on Tuesday.
But when she comes out it will be interesting to see who gets her first televised interview because according to TMZ NBC dropped the interview and Variety says that ABC passed on the interview. Here is a great opportunity for CBS to build Katie Couric's ratings and pay for the interview because they will get it back two-fold. Personally I would be OK if they all turned down because then maybe she will live up to all the promises she seems to be making in jail.
UPDATE: Larry King scored the first interview with Paris Hilton on Wednesday. I wonder how much CNN paid for it? Plus it will be a really soft interview especially since Variety reported that her family has to approve all the questions.