Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Nickelback
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Nickelback has Ryan Reynolds back!
July 24th, 2024 under Nickelback. [ Comments: none ]

Nickelback is one of the most hated bands in the World, so they know what it is like to have people criticize them. Because of that, they don’t want people to go after their fellow Canadian Ryan Reynolds and his movie Deadpool & Wolverine.

Therefore, they recorded a message to remind people how successful the Deadpool franchise is. And it is hard to argue against what they said.

But then again, they have an ulterior motive. They have a song in Deadpool & Wolverine, and the more people who see it, the more money they will make.


Lizzo is a Nickelback fan
April 12th, 2023 under Lizzo, Nickelback. [ Comments: none ]

When you think of Lizzo and the music she likes, you would not expect her to say she likes Nickelback. But she does.

So much so she is pondering why people don’t like the Canadian band. Then she declared, “I feel like Nickelback gets way too much shit.” As she continued jamming to How You Remind Me!

And now I want her to duet this tune with them. Could you imagine her rocking out with them in a leather Yitty jumpsuit?

And it could be a possibility because the band told her, “Thank you @lizzo for the kind words! Open invite any show any time.. maybe see you in Houston this summer? 🤘🔥”

BTW Why do they get so much shit? I never understood that.


We’ve been saying Nickelback’s Chad Kroeger’s name wrong 
March 8th, 2023 under Nickelback. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t know about you, but I thought that Chad Kroeger’s last name was pronounced Crow-ger. But I was wrong. The singer told Bobby Bones it is actually Crew-ger.

So it is like Freddy Krueger and not like the supermarket Kroger. And that makes a lot of sense because Nickelback’s music is like Freddy’s nails scratching a chalkboard.

Sorry, Chad Crew-ger. I actually like your music. But the joke was too easy not to make.


Nickelback tries the Made You Look TikTok trend
February 2nd, 2023 under Nickelback. [ Comments: none ]

Jax Writes Music wanted to teach Nickelback the ways of TikTok, so she started it off easy for the Canadian band. She did this by teaching them Meghan Trainor’s dance to Made You Look.

How did they do? Let’s just say they already understood the assignment.

Maybe the musicians aren’t the worst thing to come out of Canada since… Is there anything worse than them?

I am joking! I actually like their music!


Looks like 2020 is going to give us a Nickelback album
August 11th, 2020 under Nickelback. [ Comments: 1 ]


Nickelback posted a photo yesterday that looks like an album cover, and all they said is “FRIDAY 8/14.” Then today, they release a 7-second clip of what sounds like new music. Does that mean they are releasing a new record later this week? It is 2020, do you expect anything less?

Personally, I will never understand why they are one of the most hated bands. I actually like their music. Yes, I admitted that. However, I love bad music because that is how I Rock’n’Roll.

To hear the short sample they posted, then click here!


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