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UB40 caused a woman’s ears to bleed red, red blood
April 16th, 2014 under Music. [ Comments: none ]

Did you know that UB40 is still touring and people are paying to see them? On Monday, several concert goers were forced to walk out on their show in Cambridge because the bass was too loud. According to the BBC, it got so bad that one woman walked out during the first song because her ears were bleeding. Other people complained of headaches and some even claimed it messed with their heart rhythms.
A spokesperson told the BBC, “sorry that Anna’s night was spoiled.” That is cold, real cold.
Seriously, who knew that Reggae music could be such a headache? Well, I’ve never been a fan of UB40, so I probably knew.


Rebecca Black sings what come after Friday!
December 8th, 2013 under Music. [ Comments: none ]

The world has anxiously been waiting two and a half years for Rebecca Black‘s followup to her huge hit, Friday, and we finally got Saturday this weekend. Is it at as good? No. But isn’t as bad either.
I can’t wait for Sunday, because that is a day us 9-5ers never want to end!


This fan was willing to shave his head to hear Pearl Jam do Brian of J!
December 3rd, 2013 under Music, Pearl Jam. [ Comments: none ]

via NME
How many times have you gone to a concert and wish they would play your favorite song, but after the final encore you realize they are just not going to do it. How far would you go to have that band perform that tune?
Well in Spokane, Washington, on Saturday, one fan was willing to let Eddie Vedder shave off his really long dreadlocks if was able to headbang to Brian of J one last time. Well Pearl Jam obliged and off went one dreadlock at a time. And now that guy can tell his friends that he had his head shaved by Eddie Vedder as he rocked out to his favorite song live. Just like each dreadlock has a story, so does he about how he lost his long hair.
BTW if this music thing doesn’t work out for Vedder, he could so get a job as a barber. He seemed like a natural as he sawed off each dread.
Finally, didn’t he look so much better once all of those locks were on the stage!


Blink 182’s Mark Hoppus bitten by a shark!
November 5th, 2013 under Blink-182, Music. [ Comments: none ]

Mark Hoppus Tweeted this picture of his shocked reaction when a shark bit down him. I bet out of all the small things to attack him, a baby shark was towards the bottom of his list. Oh well, at least we got this cute picture out of the brutal attack.


Alison Gold’s Chinese Food has its first parody
October 18th, 2013 under Music. [ Comments: none ]

Alison Gold’s song Chinese Food hasn’t even been out a week and already someone gave the song their own flavor. NMAWorldEdition, home of Taiwanese Animation, is singing about their love of American Food. I don’t know if I should be completely insulted or pat them on the shoulder because it was quite brilliant. I am leaning towards the first because the truth hurts.
BTW I am off to have some McDonalds! Although I am not sure I will eat at Burger King the same way ever again after this video. The Burger King already gave me nightmares and seeing what that guy did to him, horrified on so many new levels.


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