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Joan Collins gives her 2 bits about kinckerless Brit, L-Lo and Paris!
December 13th, 2006 under Admirable People, Britney Spears/KFed, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

Joan Collins has seen enough of Britney’s privates. And Lindsay’s. And Paris’. Collins says it’s "disgusting" how Spears, Lohan and Hilton are going out in miniskirts without panties, knowing very well that the paparazzi will take their pictures. She says it’s "really sad that young women today need to flaunt" their privates to get attention. Collins says they’ve already shown "their front bits," so "where’s it all going to end?" Collins is out with a beauty and fashion book called "The Art of Living Well:" Looking Good, Feeling Great."

Access Hollywood

Amen sister!!! 


Lindsay Lohan won’t take it all off for a film?
December 12th, 2006 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

The 20-year-old starlet is taking pole-dancing classes for her role as a stripper in her upcoming drama I Know Who Killed Me. (In fact, that’s Linds leaving class yesterday in L.A., in the photo at right.) Despite the risqué role, an insider tells me L.L. will not be going completely topless. "No nudity," my source says. "She is going to be wearing pasties."

Planet Gossip 

She has no problem showing us her vajayjay in public, but has a problem showing her boobs in a movie? Interesting


If you suck in bed than Lindsay Lohan will dump your a$$
December 10th, 2006 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

Lindsay Lohan says sex is the most important thing in a relationship. The 20-year-old actress – who has previously admitted to dating more than one man at a time – insists if the sex isn’t good she will dump a guy over his inept bedroom skills. She told Elle magazine: "If the sex is bad, the relationship isn’t going anywhere. I like variety, I think everyone does, especially at my age. "But if I’m going to give my body to someone, I’d rather them not be with other people. But I want to be able to if I like someone else." Lindsay has been spicing up her love life of late. The ‘Bobby’ star was recently seen splashing out $820 on some kinky diamond-encrusted gold handcuffs at Beverly Hills’ store Fred Segal.

Female First 

Now we know why she doesn’t wear underwear


When is Lindsay Lohan going to learn she should not write letters?
December 7th, 2006 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

LINDSAY Lohan is preparing to clean up her image and go to war with the media with the help of a high-powered friend – former Vice President Al Gore. "Al Gore will help me. He came up to me last night and said he would be very happy to have a conversation with me," Lohan wrote last week in a rambling, semi-literate e-mail to her friends and lawyers. In the bizarre message read by Page Six, Lohan burbled, "If he is willing to help me, let’s find out. Hilary [sic] Clinton, Bill Clinton, and Evan Metroplis [sic], and John Daur who works with them would be willing, if we just ask. If we just ASK." Lohan was apparently inspired to send out the e-mail by a Page Six item on her "mean girls diva fit" at a GQ magazine party in L.A. Referring to a supermarket tabloid report claiming she had overdosed on drugs, she wrote, "Let’s sue the tabloids for saying the things they say. Defamation of character." Invoking what she puzzlingly calls the "way of the future-Howard Hughes," her desire is to "release a politically/morally correct, fully adequite [sic] letter to the press." Lohan says she wants to state her opinions on "how our society should be educated for the better of our country. Our people . . . because I have such an impact on our younger generations, as well as generations older than me. Which we all know and can obviously see." Lohan then mentions taking a mystery person she refers to as "LR" to court for "what she’s done to me. "It’s my life. I want to live it. People cannot lie and think that it is okay to continue on having done so. I have had many ups and downs, as do we all. But to make false accusations to one girl is unjust in my opinion. I am willing to do anything I need to get my life the way it should be." Lohan said she wanted to "hold a press conference" and "will do anything necessary to do so." She said she is at "such a young and tender age in a woman’s life. It’s enough already, I’ve had enough and I am going to be the one to make a change." Lohan’s representative, Leslie Sloane Zelnik, had no comment.

Page Six 

It seems like every time she writes what is suppose to be a heartfelt letter, it actually shows how much she is losing it? It is so sad what has happened to her.


A (sober) Lohan Family outing
December 5th, 2006 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

It is nice to see her do something normal, but that just might be me. 

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