Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lea Michele
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Do Matthew Morrison and Lea Michele have something to tell us?
October 29th, 2010 under Do they have something to tell us?, Glee, Lea Michele. [ Comments: 3 ]

Glee’s teacher and student Matthew Morrison and Lea Michele were pictured kissing and walking arm-to-arm yesterday, so does that mean they have something to tell us? Nope it was just the two of them doing a tribute to The Rocky Horror Show celebrating its 35th year at The Painted Turtle and she recreated the role of Janet she played on Tuesday’s Glee while the curly haired guy took over as Brad for Cory Montieth.
BTW is just me or are they most annoying people on the show and do you wish they would go back to Broadway?


Lea Michele is a crappy poser
September 8th, 2010 under Glee, Lea Michele. [ Comments: 2 ]

Lea Michele attended the premiere party for the second season of Glee and she looked really awkward posing for the cameras? What is up with her poses? They are just so unnatural and unflattering to me.
BTW I think she also needs to stop going to same tanning salon as the people from Jersey Shore.


Lea Michele tries to be sexy
August 4th, 2010 under Glee, Lea Michele. [ Comments: none ]

Lea Michele plays the goody two shoes Rachel Berry on Glee, but when the cameras stop rolling she is different than her character. The Broadway star posed in some very sexy poses for MARKTbeauty, but I don’t think she felt comfortable doing so. To me it looks like she is very uncomfortable trying to be all vampy which is weird because you would think after going topless 8 times in a week in front of 100s of strangers in Spring Awakening that there pictures would be a cakewalk.


What is Lea Michele wearing?
June 9th, 2010 under Glee, Lea Michele. [ Comments: none ]

Lea Michele attended some event last night instead of watching the season finale of Glee and I don’t know what she was thinking when she put that thing on. She looks she stole that thing off a mannequin from an antique store. You know it looks like a slip that a woman wore over 100 years ago and hid it in the attic and that’s why the dress is that color because it has been stained by time. Not only is the dress fugly and the color worse, why did she feel the need to show off her black lace bra? She is pretty flat and that bra just accentuates that. She would have been better off wearing a more neutral color bra than one that match the trim of that “dress”. Actually she would have been much better off wearing something else because that is just so freaking ugly. Oh and what is up with the Snooki tan?
BTW am I the only who thought the Glee season finale sucked? I don’t want to spoil it, so I won’t say why but I will say stop the stunt casting. Let’s get the show back to what it was and not about who they can get to star on the show. I love John Stamos, but I was kind of bummed that he is joining the show because it just another person to take away from the original premise of the show.


BTWF talk shows: Lea Michele on Sally Jesse Raphael
May 25th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous, Glee, Lea Michele, Sally Jessy Raphael. [ Comments: 1 ]

Before Lea Michele knew she wanted to be a star on Glee, she knew she wanted to be a star on Sally Jesse Raphael. How cute was the 9 year old actress on that 1986 talk show.


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