Khloé Kardashian’s face is constantly checking, so there are times I don’t recognize her anymore. First, she looked like her mom, Kris Jenner. Then, she looked like Rebecca Romijn. And now she looks like Chrissy Teigen.
So you have to wonder, if we don’t recognize her, how does she recognize herself?
Kim Kardashian thinks she is high flying adored. However, she was in for a shock yesterday at the LA Rams game. That is because when the camera focused in on her, the crowd booed her.
Although, she probably didn’t hear it because it all sounds like one unified scream of nothingness.
But if she did hear it, then Stephen Amell has a message for her. “Kim Kardashian was just shown on the big screen and loudly booed at the Rams game,” he wrote. “Being booed at a sporting event is a huge compliment. When people who don’t know you think they dislike you it means you are super duper famous.”
Kim Kardashian wore a dress that was so tight she couldn’t even walk in it. Something that proved to be difficult when she had to climb the stairs. And there were a lot of them.
The Dolce & Gabbana gown might’ve been stunning on, but it ain’t worth it to me. I like to be able to do the simplest things in my clothes, like walking. But that is me.
Kris and Kylie Jenner were on The Late Late Show yesterday, and one of them was tied up to a lie detector machine. It was the Momager, and James Corden and her youngest daughter got her to admit things.
For example, she has six children, and one of them is her favorite. Is it her first child? The one who brought them fame? The wild child? The only boy? The model? Or the cash cow? Since the latter asked the question, she wanted to know if it was her. And it was!
I don’t think Kim is going to like that. On that note, I don’t know how trustworthy the test was because they said that Kris wasn’t lying when she said she did not help Kim release her sex tape. I don’t believe her, do you?
Kim Kardashian got a new look, and it is not working for her. The, what is she, posed for Interview Magazine looks like a ’70s Roller Girl. And that is not a good thing because she looks more like someone in her 70s than from the ’70s.
Seriously, the woman who will do anything to remain eternally young looks older than her 66-year-old mom. The peroxide blonde hair with matching eyebrows just doesn’t work on her.
Do you like her new style? Or are you just looking at her assets?