Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Kiefer Sutherland
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This show will really Touch you!
January 25th, 2012 under Fox, Kiefer Sutherland. [ Comments: none ]

It is very rare that you will watch a pilot that is so engaging that it will Touch you in ways you never have been before, and that is exactly what Fox’s Touch will do to you during a special preview at 9p tonight. Touch is unlike any show that you have ever seen before and I have a feeling that we will start to see copycats after it kicks major a$$ in the ratings.
Kiefer Sutherland plays a widowed father to a ten year old boy who hasn’t ever spoken a word in his entire life. Now all of a sudden he is climbing a tower at 3:18p once a week and it is unknown why. Sutherland starts to realize that isn’t the only thing his son does with the number 318 and that number will have a connection to something huge. A connection that will be felt around the world. And just like the world is round, there will be a circle of people that will touch at least one of the other people in it to change something major, all because of a little boy.
With that you have a series that you will have to guessing why one boy can see why certain people will need to connect with each other. Even though he knows what needs to happen, he cannot express it way you and I understand so his dad will have to do it for us. A task that is easier said than done.
Tune in for a show that will touch you in a way you have never been touched before. I can’t express the feelings you will have after watching, but once you watch the episode tonight you will understand what I mean. It will just leave with you a lot of emotions and amazement and something undescribable.


On day 24 of Christmas, Jack Bauer goes boom!
December 19th, 2011 under Kiefer Sutherland. [ Comments: none ]

Just when you thought there was nothing that could stop Jack Bauer, we are seeing that there is something Jack Bauer can’t save. That one thing is stopping Kiefer Sutherland from destroying Christmas by knocking over a beautiful Christmas tree. Good thing he already has a new show coming to Fox (Touch) in January because I am not sure how many people will want to see the 24 the Christmas Movie.
Wow sometimes I go off on a such tangent, even I don’t understand what I just wrote. But the main point of this post is that I really love Kiefer’s Christmas Card and it is my favorite celebrity one thus far! Don’t you wish you were getting that Seasons Greetings in your mail today?


Does Kiefer Sutherland’s new show Touch you?
October 6th, 2011 under Fox, Kiefer Sutherland. [ Comments: 2 ]

When Fox picked up Touch for a midseason replacement show without a pilot being shot, I couldn’t understand why they would take such a big risk. Now I completely understand why they did it after watching the trailer for the show that was created by Tim Kring, who also did Heroes. Seriously doesn’t that show draw you in just from that short little preview?


An intimate dinner date with Kiefer Sutherland!
March 22nd, 2011 under Hot Links!, Kiefer Sutherland. [ Comments: none ]

Kiefer Sutherland is new to Twitter and to celebrate he is inviting to you a one-on-one dinner with him. The 24 star Tweeted, “@jimmyfallon told me it was alright to tweet about anything – even if it seems mundane. Is he right? Well in that case, I’m making dinner right now. Will show you what when it’s done.” And The Lost Boys Vampire was serious about that because he posted the above pictures. I don’t know about you, but after seeing the way he prepares supper and the table, I think it would be super to have din-din at his house with him. Seriously doesn’t that meal look absolutely scrumptious???
BTW I love how the Twitter newbie figured out to win me over even though he has only been on it for less than month!


Kiefer Sutherland looks good in a bathing suit!
August 23rd, 2010 under Fox, Kiefer Sutherland. [ Comments: 1 ]

Fame Pictures
Keifer Sutherland is 43 years old and he can still work tight little swimming trunks like that. I was shocked to see that the 24 star still has that good of a body, although I was more shocked to find out he is only 43. I really thought he was closer to 50.
BTW I hope that is a bottle of water he is downing like that.


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