If a guy who’s– how do put this– gayish but not openly gay, covers your mouth on daytime TV and you later scold him for it, could that be considered homophobic? According to Rosie O’Donnell, the answer is yes. Today on The View, Rosie called Kelly Ripa out for the way she reacted to Clay’s manhandling on Regis & Kelly. Ripa didn’t take to kindly to the insinuation that she’s a homophobe, so she called in to The View this morning to give her side of the story. Who’s side are you on: Rosie’s or Kelly’s? And is it even possible to be called a homophobe when the person you’re talking about isn’t even gay? Well, openly gay. Best Week Ever After watching the clip of Clay on Regis and Kelly, I have to tell you I side with him. She would not let him get a word in edgewise and he tried all he could to say anything. I have also read that she puts her hand over Regis’ mouth, but since I do not watch the show I have no way to know if that is true. Now when it comes to Rosie, I do think she jumped the gun by calling Kelly a homophobe. I also think that Kelly did not help her case by calling in. In fact I think it made her look worse. I have also read that Clay did appologise to her and you can see he was remorseful for his actons on the show…what more does she want him to do? Below is the clip of Clay Aiken co-hostin on Live with Regis and Kelly:
Kelly Ripa’s definitely not a Claymate. The talk show host went off on Aiken this morning on "Live With Regis and Kelly," saying "I don’t think he was respectful in any way." She says Aiken was hostile toward her when they shared co-hosting duties on Friday’s show. She especially took issue with Aiken putting his hands over her mouth during an interview. She says you don’t do that, even if it’s for a laugh. Regis Philbin says he’s shocked the pair didn’t hit it off, saying, "In my wildest dreams would I ever think that one day you would have a feud with Clay Aiken."
Fox Life
I didn’t see the show, but that does not sound like Clay Aiken?