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Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan do the robot with a robot!
April 15th, 2014 under Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Michael Strahan. [ Comments: none ]

Today on Live with Kelly and Michael they had Honda’s incredible Humanoid robot, ASIMO, on the show. Advanced Step in Innovative MObility has made a lot of progress since his last visit on the show. He can now hop on both one foot and two feet and he can do sign language in both Japanese and ASL. If that is not enough, he can also dance better than Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan. And did I mention, he really knows how to make an entrance.
They say he is the future and I can’t wait for the future to be here because how cool would it be to have one of those. Yes, he has some bugs, but he can still do a lot of really cool things. It would be nice to have a friend do whatever I tell him to. Right?


Ladies, don’t expect James Franco to pick you up on social media any more!
April 4th, 2014 under James Franco, Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos. [ Comments: none ]

Earlier this week it was rumored that James Franco tried to pick up a 17 year old girl on Instagram and today the 35 year old confirmed the story on Live with Kelly and Michael. The Oscar host told them, “Unfortunately in my position, I mean…I have a very good life, but not only do I have to go through the embarrassing kind of rituals of kind of meeting someone, sometimes if I do that then it gets, you know, published for the world so now, you know, it’s like doubly embarrassing.” Kind of embarrassing? He hit on a woman half his age, who isn’t even old enough to vote or drunk. So ewwwwww.


Caption Chandra Wilson on Live with Kelly and Michael
February 25th, 2014 under Caption the Celeb, Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Shonda Rhimes. [ Comments: none ]

This picture of Chandra Wilson, Michael Strahan and Kelly Ripa on this morning’s Live with Kelly and Michael has Caption Me written all over it, so go ahead and do it.


Mandy Pantinkin is reunited with two exes!
February 19th, 2014 under Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos. [ Comments: none ]

Mandy Pantinkin was a guest on Live with Kelly and Michael today and they surprised him with not one but two exes.
The last time the Homeland star was on the show, the girl he shared his first kiss with contacted the show to tell him she says hi. Well after the show ended, Sandy and him got in touch and have been talking on the phone ever since although they have yet to see each other. That was until today because the daytime talk show flew her out to meet the man who gave her her very first kiss. The two were so chummy and happy to see each other, you couldn’t help but to smile with them.
Now that they were reunited, it was time for the show to go on…or so he thought. Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan asked him if there was anyone else he wanted the show to reunite him with; and he said he college girlfriend, Nori, that he hasn’t been able to find. Well as he was recording a message to the show’s audience to help him find her, she came out to surprise him. It was as though no time had passed between them even though they are both happily married with children. For now? Because their chemistry was so strong. Or I could be confusing his giddiness for something more. Either way this was a really cute interview segment to watch because it was sweet to see the 61 year old serious actor become a happy little boy all over again. How can you not feel happy to see someone transform like that after being reunited with not one, but two exes. Well that is everyone but his wife, although she had all of her exes at their wedding so about time she got see him with some of his.


Kelly Ripa beats Stephen Amell and Michael Strahan at push-ups!
January 22nd, 2014 under Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Michael Strahan, Stephen Amell. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on Live with Kelly and Michael, the little host challenged her co-host and the guest, Stephen Amell, to a push-up contest to see who could do more of them in a minute.
Thanks to the shirtless scenes on Arrow we know that Olive Queen has a very muscular body. We also know that Michael Strahan is a former football player who still keeps in great shape. But is that going to be enough for them to beat the very petite Kelly Ripa? Nope, the little blonde beat both men by a push-up. Proving size and gender don’t matter when it comes to a working out challenge.
BTW you know that had to be very humbling for both men They probably went home and worked on getting even faster at doing push-ups so that they don’t have their a$$es handed to them by a girl who’s half their size in every form of the way.
Finally don’t forget to watch new dad, Stephen Amell, on Arrow tonight at 8p on The CW.


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