Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jussie Smollett
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Jussie Smollett attacked in a possible hate crime
January 29th, 2019 under Empire, Jussie Smollett. [ Comments: none ]

Empire’s Jussie Smollett was reportedly attacked early this morning in Chicago by two white men who screamed racial and homophobic slurs at him. Then Chicago PD says, “The offenders began to batter the victim with their hands [around] the face and poured an unknown chemical substance on the victim. At some point during the incident, one of the offenders wrapped a rope around the victim’s neck.” The actor took himself to the hospital and he is in “good condition.”

According to TMZ, the substance thrown in his face was bleach, which is being tested now for confirmation. As the men were attacking him they shouted, “This is MAGA country.”

The suspects got away and Chicago PD is looking for any tips to capture them. If you know anything, then contact “Area Central Detectives at 312-747-8382 or report it anonymously to”

When it comes to why he was out so late. The flight he was on coming back from NYC was delayed several hours. A two-hour flight took seven and that got him around 1a. He posted the above photo around 1:30a CST detailing the events of the flight. When he finally got home, TMZ says he was hungry and went to get some Subway. That is when he was attacked.

TMZ says the cast and crew of Empire held a meeting this morning about the attack and were very upset over what happened. They also discussed getting extra security for the remaining few episodes they are filming this season. Which makes sense because reports that before the incident he got death threats sent to him where they film the Fox drama in Chicago.

Fox released this statement to The Hollywood Reporter, “We are deeply saddened and outraged to learn that a member of our Empire family, Jussie Smollett, was viciously attacked last night. We send our love to Jussie, who is resilient and strong, and we will work with law enforcement to bring these perpetrators to justice. The entire studio, network and production stand united in the face of any despicable act of violence and hate — and especially against one of our own.”

No word if and when Smollett will resume filming on Empire this season. Also, at this time it is unclear if he will still be performing in LA on February 2nd.

None of that matters at this time. All that matters he gets better and know we are here for him.

It saddens and infuriates me that this is still happening in 2019. No one should be that full of hate that they would attack a complete stranger for his skin color and whom he loves. We all bleed red, translation, we are all the same. I hope these men are caught quickly and serve the rest of their lives in jail. Disgusting attacks like this need to end, thus why the punishment should be so severe.

Smollett is all about love and hopefully this incident will not change him too much. They say what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger and he will come out much stronger and continue to help people be comfortable in their own skin.

UPDATE: Empire creator Lee Daniels tearfully sends out a message to his son Jussie. To see what he had to say, then click here!


BTWF ads: Jussie Smollett for MC Hammer doll
April 19th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous, Jussie Smollett, MC Hammer. [ Comments: none ]
Before Jussie Smollet was singing and dancing on Empire, he was doing it for a MC Hammer Doll. How awwwdorable was the year old in that 1991 commercial?


Taraji P Henson does a Cookie on Jussie Smollett
August 24th, 2016 under Empire, Jussie Smollett, Taraji P. Henson. [ Comments: none ]

Empire is back in production and so is the playful relationship between Taraji P Henson and Jussie Smollett.
Last year, Smollett would unknowingly record his TV mom sleeping or singing and she would be beat him up. This season things have changed. Now, she goes through his wardrobe and takes what she wants. It is not just that she takes it, it is the way she steals it. So Cookie!
Therefore, you have to wonder if Taraji created Cookie in her image or Cookie’s image has created Taraji?
The Fox Primetime Soap returns on September 21st.


Did Jussie Smollett just spoil his own Empire fate?
May 12th, 2016 under Empire, Jussie Smollett. [ Comments: none ]

If you watched Empire yesterday, then you know that Jamal was shot by Freda. He was taken to the hospital, rushed into surgery and the episode ended with Lucious and Cookie finding out if he survived but we didn’t. Therefore, we have to wait until next week to find out if he did.
Or do we? After the show ended Jussie Smollett Tweeted, “This is why we must watch how we treat people. We never know how long they have. Just in the blink of an eye. Gone. #empire.” If that wasn’t enough of a clue, he then followed it up with, “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time w/ @EmpireFOX. I love you all. Truth. Time 2 make a record & some movies. #Empire 🌹.”
I think it sounds like we know that Jamal didn’t survive the shooting. Why would Empire kill off their favorite male star? At least he was my favorite character and don’t want to watch the show without him. He was the heart of it. And if you are going to kill off a beloved character on a nighttime soap, make sure there will be vengeance for his death. There isn’t any because Lucious already killed Freda’s dad.
Another thing I am going to miss about Smollett being on the show, is when he would secretly film Taraji P Henson while she slept. I wonder if she did a Cookie and got him fired because she didn’t like it. But I doubt that. Smollett became a huge star after the launch of the Fox show, so I am assuming he was ready to move on.
Will you miss him on Empire?


Taraji P Henson goes all Cookie on Jussie Smollett again!
February 1st, 2016 under Empire, Jussie Smollett, Taraji P. Henson. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t know if Jussie Smollett is brave or stupid. That’s because once again he filmed Taraji P Henson sleeping and once again his TV mom slapped the sh!t out of him.
To make it even harder for me to decide, the Empire star captioned that video by saying, “At this point it’s just a reflex 2 slap the $heit outta me. I always get nervous when she’s about to wake up so you can see my heart beating through my chest.” If you know she is going to go all Cookie on you, why do it? Is he a masochist? I am OK if he is because I am a sadist and can’t get enough of these videos.
So in conclusion, I will say he is both brave and stupid, and I am grateful for that. What do you think he is?


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