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Meet Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
June 1st, 2007 under Julian Lennon, The Beatles. [ Comments: 8 ]

I know it is cooler to think Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is about LSD, but in reality it is about something else. Julian Lennon came home with the below painting and John Lennon asked him what the pictures was about. Julian told him, "It's Lucy in the sky with diamonds." Julian later confirmed the story by saying, "I don't know why I called it that or why it stood out from all my other drawings, but I obviously had an affection for Lucy at that age. I used to show dad everything I'd built or painted at school, and this one sparked off the idea for a song about Lucy in the sky with diamonds." So who is this Lucy that Julian had an affection for?  Well Daily Mail found her and here is what she said about the song, "I can imagine him saying, 'That's Lucy at school,' and his father asking questions like "What's that in the sky?' There has been much specualtion about the song, many believe that it is an ode to LSD. When I told a couple of friends that Lucy in the sky with diamonds was about me, they said, 'No, it can't be, it's to do with LSD.' I was too embarrased to tell them that I didn't know what LSD was." Well Lucy Vodden, 43 is a nursery school teacher. I wonder if she teaches any kids who parents are singers because we might get another classic song out of one her students' drawings.

Julian Lennon sells off his dad
April 13th, 2007 under Beatles, Julian Lennon. [ Comments: none ]

NME is reporting that Julian Lennon has sold off his stake of his father’s compositions from the Beatles to Primary Wave Music Publishing. Primary Wave Music Publishing reportedly bought the Nirvana rights last year from Courtney Love for $50 million, so it will be interesting to see how much Julian Lennon got. The announcement of Julian Lennon’s sale is expected later today.
In other Beatles news, EMI and the surviving Beatles and family have settled their argument and their music could be available for download soon!
Back to Julian Lennon, I met him once in Miami at some and all I can say is he a great hugger!


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