Seriously? OMG! WTF? » John Mayer
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John Mayer gets a new beard
January 1st, 2011 under John Mayer. [ Comments: none ]

John Mayer goes through Hollywood starlets like like they go through shoes, so I guess it was time for him to make things official and grow a beard. I am not sure what the look is that he was going for, but it looks almost like he is trying to copy the Devil. You know the man he sold his soul to for the career that he has?


John Mayer didn’t lose his virginity until he was 24!
July 10th, 2010 under John Mayer. [ Comments: none ]

John Mayer took a note from LeBron James’ playbook to announce something big. He had something to Say so he made a video message to declare unlike LeBron he will be playing in Cleveland, but the he changed his tune to Say he would also be playing in Miami like King James. He then went on to list a bunch of other cities he will be playing at, in other words he was announcing that he is going on tour!
I hate to admit that recorded message from John Mayer made me laugh, especially the part where we found out he didn’t lose his virginity until he was 24. Now we know why he writes the music that he does.


John Mayer’s abs are a sad situation
June 10th, 2010 under John Mayer, VH1/MTV. [ Comments: 2 ]

John Mayer and Jersey Shore’s The Situation met up at the CMT Awards because you know those two are as country as carpetbaggers. But anyways back to them, the two of them had an ab showdown and what we learned is John Mayer’s abs are a really sad situation. His belly is all bloated and hairy. Hopefully The Situation is giving him tips how to get that tummy in better shape and where to get a wax job.
BTW if I were Mayer’s fans in Europe I would be pissed that he cancelled all those concerts and yet he looks perfectly healthy to me.


John Mayer is sick
June 1st, 2010 under John Mayer. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from WireImage)

John Mayer was touring Europe, but due a mystery illness he announced on his site that he has cancelled a bunch of his upcoming dates.

After a sold-out performance in Copenhagen, John Mayer was forced to cancel his second show there on 5/31 due to illness. Regrettably, the illness has caused his remaining European shows scheduled through this week to be canceled as well (Amsterdam, Madrid and Manchester). Ticket holders should apply for refund from point of purchase. Mayer is returning home to the States and a full recovery is expected under a doctor’s supervision.

I wonder what is wrong with him that he had to leave Europe and go back to the US, could it be that he is suffering from home sickness?


The many faces of John Mayer!
May 27th, 2010 under John Mayer, The Many Faces of. [ Comments: none ]

John Mayer was performing at Wembley Arena yesterday and he made a lot of faces while he was singing. While John Mayer might write pretty songs, he makes some ugly faces when he sings them. Seriously those expressions are funnier than any joke he has ever told during his comedy routine.


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