Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jim Carrey
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Will Emma Stone give Jim Carrey an Easy A for his love declaration?
August 25th, 2011 under Emma Stone, Jim Carrey. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday Jim Carrey posted a video declaring his love for Emma Stone and it looks like he might need a word in the title of her current box office smash…Help. He might play G-D in the movies, but I am not sure she will feel the same way about him.
Watch the video and judge if what the grandfather did was sweet or creepy? I am sure it was him trying to be funny, but just like Ace Ventura 2 it didn’t come off that way.


Jim Carrey rips off Tom Hanks?
June 16th, 2011 under Jim Carrey. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 4:20 in)

Jim Carrey was on The Late Show with David Letterman yesterday and he told him a story about how his dogs got skunked. What really stinks about the story is that Tom Hanks told the same exact story on the show just over 2 years ago!
Of course it was all planned, and I am glad it was because I found myself laughing out loud every time I have watched it. I seriously can’t stop watching it because Liar Liar’s face when he is caught in lie is just so freaking perfect it cracks me up!
BTW not only was the story great on the Late Show, Ace Ventura also made quite an entrance…


This is how you make a red carpet entrance!!!
June 13th, 2011 under Animals, Jim Carrey. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday was the Hollywood premiere of Mr Popper’s Penguins and the real stars of the movie know how to make a red carpet entrance. The 4 hottest men of the movie came dressed in black tie and wobbled down the red carpet as only they can. Everyone had to stop and take notice, even a Hollywood legend who was dressed like them. It was a real toss up for me who is the cutest one in the last photo the penguins of Dick Van Dyke!


Jim Carrey and his tuxedo wearing friends!!!
June 9th, 2011 under Jim Carrey. [ Comments: none ]

Jim Carrey is on The Tonight Show tonight and he brought some of his co-stars from Mr Popper’s Penguins with him. That’s right he brought the penguins with him and they enjoyed the luxuries of the green room while their human buddy was being interview by Jay Leno. They played Wii and what they didn’t realize is they accidentally revealed what their favorite movie is to the world. Now that I know that, the cute little birds I always loved are starting to scare me. Nah penguins are always cute. Aren’t they?


Is Jim Carrey’s new look a failed art project?
April 11th, 2011 under Jim Carrey. [ Comments: none ]

Jim Carrey Tweeted the above picture and said, “I am a paintbrush.” To me I think that with that new mohawk like look, he looks like the paintbrush no one wants to use in art class because it has been used to by everyone and their brother and needs to just be put out of its misery and thrown in the trash. He has been through many different hairstyles throughout the years for different movies and I think this one is his worst.
BTW on a positive note, those shorts reveal that Jenny McCarthy made a mistake dumping him! I guess in the dark, I can forget about that haircut after seeing how well he fills out his pants. Now that is paintbrush, I want to paint with!!!


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