Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jim Carrey
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Jim Carrey knows how to make an entrance
May 23rd, 2017 under Jim Carrey, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: 2 ]

It has been a while since Jim Carrey has done a talk show appearance, so he soaked up all of the applause he could get when he made his entrance on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday. You know how when an actor comes out, the audience claps until the celebrity sits down. Ace Ventura thought it would be aces to just stand there and see how long they would put their hands together over and over again. The answer is over a minute. How did he feel about it? He told the ABC late night host, “It is uncomfortable, lovely though.” Who would not want all of that attention on them for a brief moment that doesn’t feel that brief?

Why is he growing that big bushy thing on his face? That is not the question we should be asking according to him, “The question is, why am I growing a beard and still shaving my balls?” Therefore, he revealed that if the beard goes away from the big head, the little head will once again have one. I wonder if he names his beards Jenn McCarthy? Sorry, fixated on that thing, it is almost hypnotizing.

I think what makes that furry thing on his face stand out so much on is that while it is grey, his hair is still brown. If they matched, it might look a little better. Nah, nothing could make that look better. I almost feel like it is going to come off and attack everyone. Which is so Ace Ventura.


What happened to Jim Carrey?
April 18th, 2017 under Jim Carrey. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t know about you, but I don’t remember the last time I saw Jim Carrey. Well over the weekend, he resurfaced on Twitter and it doesn’t look like he has shaved since the last time we saw him. That doesn’t seem to be the only thing he hasn’t done since then.

Someone buy a razor and a comb because I want to see the hot Ace Ventura Pet Detective again! It’s not that he looks awful, he just doesn’t look like he used to look.


What if Dumb & Dumber was an Independent Drama?
January 18th, 2016 under Jim Carrey. [ Comments: none ]

Dumb & Dumber is one of the funniest movies of the ’90s, but what if it were a drama about man finding himself on the road with his best friend as they try to find the woman he loves? It is a much different movie, and I am glad that Mashable Watercooler came up with it. I almost want to go and see it.


It’s Hugh Jackman vs Jim Carrey
August 20th, 2015 under Hugh Jackman, Jim Carrey, Uncategorized. [ Comments: 1 ]

A video posted by Hugh Jackman (@thehughjackman) on

Two days ago, Hugh Jackman went on to Dubsmash and did his best Jim Carrey imitation from The Mask. Well, I guess that Carrey didn’t find it smokin’ because he transformed his look by putting on his best Wolverine mask. Along with the photo he said, “Nice move @RealHughJackman Now watch me make a meal out of your biggest role. ;^>”
So whose imitation do you find delectable and which one left a bad taste in your mouth? I say it is a tie. So here’s to hoping Ace Ventura and Wolverine find a way to battle it out with masks and claws.



Jim Carrey and his woody!
November 20th, 2014 under Jim Carrey. [ Comments: none ]

Jim Carrey is promoting Dumb & Dumber To around the world, but Dumb or is it Dumber isn’t able to tour with him. Since Jeff Bridges is tied up, Lloyd Christmas brought a Harry Dunne puppet with him to help him deal with the press.
I guess they have grown rather close because here is the two of them sleeping together in London after a long day of press. How sweet is this photo?
BTW I would be afraid to stick my hand up that doll’s butt because we know what came out of it in the first movie…


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