Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jeff Goldblum
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BTWF roles: Jeff Goldblum on Starsky & Hutch
May 26th, 2016 under Before They Were Famous, Jeff Goldblum. [ Comments: none ]
Before we all knew Jeff Goldblum the actor, he played a Director on Starsky & Hutch. He looks the same now as he did when he was 24 in that 1977 episode.


Jeff Goldblum being Jeff Goldblum for 90 minutes!
May 26th, 2016 under Jeff Goldblum. [ Comments: none ]

Jeff Goldblum did a 90 minute special on Facebook Live and it is as spectacular as you would expect it to be. He sang all types of songs from Jazz to Disco, talked to the audience, asked Trivia questions, answered questions, made a sandwich, revealed his Adult Film Stage Name and so much more.
Why did he do it? He teamed up with Omaze to raise money for Oceana & Conservation International. But there is more. You can also enter to win a trip to LA to attend a VIP screening of Independence Day: Resurgence plus go to a party with the cast on Omaze’s website.
Back to the show, someone needs to give him a Variety show in the likes of The Carol Burnett Show. It would be a huge hit!


The new Independence Day: Resurgence trailer is like ID4 on uppers
April 22nd, 2016 under Jeff Goldblum. [ Comments: none ]

When the first trailer for Independence Day: Resurgence came out, I thought it looked like utter crap. Now that they have reworked their magic on it, it looks like the original one but a lot bigger and more explosive. So much so, I actually want to see it now when it comes out on June 4th.
Plus, the best thing about it, is that Will Smith is not in it. That is good thing because everything he is has been in for the last few years has been crap. I don’t want him to destroy another movie.


Independence Day: Resurgence took all the fun out of the original
December 14th, 2015 under Jeff Goldblum. [ Comments: none ]

The first trailer is out for the long awaited sequel to Independence Day and I am disappointed with Independence Day: Resurgence. It’s like they took all the fun out of the original and made this a very dark movie of aliens vs the humans. If that’s the case, then I say bring Will Smith back. And I was happy that he wasn’t in the movie that we have been waiting 20 years to see.
What do you think of the trailer for the movie that comes out on June 26th?


In case you were wondering why Jeff Goldblum finally got married?
January 10th, 2015 under David Letterman, Jeff Goldblum. [ Comments: none ]

I think from Jeff Goldblum’s appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman with his wife, Emilie Livingston, we know why he finally decided to tie the knot at 62 years old! Don’t you agree?
But now I have to wonder if she quoted from his movie the The Fly when she did that for him the first time. You know, “Be afraid, be very afraid!” I am sure he was afraid, but also very excited!


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