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Jack Nicholson wears a dildo in The Departed
September 24th, 2006 under Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio. [ Comments: 1 ]

Quirky movie great Jack Nicholson is set to shock fans in his new thriller The Departed by wearing a sex toy in a sleazy scene. The Chinatown star, who threatened to set fire to co-star Leonardo DiCaprio to heighten the tension in one scene, felt he’d add to the sick sexual nature of his character Frank Costello by strapping on a dildo. And, as shocked as co-star Matt Damon was, he admits Nicholson’s last-minute decision to wear a sex toy impacted his whole performance in the Martin Scorsese film. Damon says, "It’s Sunday night and I’m looking over the script and I’m getting ready and I get a phone call: ‘Hello, its Marty… Jack had some ideas for the scene tomorrow in the XXX movie theatre where he meets up with your character and he’s gonna wear a dildo.’ I said, ‘Alright, I’ll see you at seven!’ "So, we went in the next day and we rehearsed and Jack said, ‘Here’s the deal – I’m gonna come in and I’m gonna sit there in the overcoat and turn around and I’m gonna pull out the big dildo and we’re gonna laugh.’ "I thought that was a good idea to get into the scene. Jack brought this incredibly new layer to that character. He made him more obscene in a way that felt authentic.

Female First

Ewww Ewww Ewww. Actually it is kind of hot, not!


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