Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Henry Cavill
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Henry Cavill is that an iPhone in your pocket or are you happy to see me?
January 20th, 2012 under Henry Cavill, In Your Pocket?, The Tudors. [ Comments: none ]

Henry Cavill was photographed at LAX and instead of looking at Superman’s face all I could to do is check out at his pants. So I have to wonder if he has two iPhones in his pocket or is he just happy to see me? What do you think?
BTW Celebitchy pointed out that Fame Picures needed to be TUDORed on who the actor was because he was mistaken for another one, you have to check out that site to see who???


BTWF roles: Henry Cavill in The Count of Monte Cristo
August 4th, 2011 under Before They Were Famous, Henry Cavill, Superman/Spider-Man, The Tudors. [ Comments: none ]

Before Henry Cavill was Superman, he needed the superhero in The Count of Monte Cristo. How cute was the 18 year old actor in that 2002 movie?


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