Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Gal Gadot
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Like OMG, Wonder Woman 2 is like totally taking it to like 1984!
June 13th, 2018 under Gal Gadot. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 1984, everyone was dancing in the dark to The Reflex. Moviegoers were footloose when they ran out to see Ghostbusters, The Karate Kid, Sixteen Candles and A Nightmare on Elm Street. Teens were saying, oh, la, la, Sasson, while wearing their Benetton rugbies and Keds sneakers. Kids thought that Bill Cosby and Tony Danza were the ideal dads like their characters. It was the year of Let’s Go Crazy. Basically, it was a magical year.

So magical that Wonder Woman 2 is going to take place in 1984, but why this year out of them all? That is what fans are speculating. I am thinking it is has something to do with a little book by a guy named George Orwell. I was also pondering that maybe it had something to do with a comet because Night of the Comet came out that year, but Halley’s Comet was still two years away.

What do you think Patti Jenkins and Gal Galdot are trying to tell us with these two preview photos? Besides that Chris Pine is not dead. Can you wait until November 1, 2019, to find out?

Oh, and can someone please help me reference all the images in the TVs. The ones I can figure out are Duran Duran’s The Reflex, JR from Dallas and Christie Brinkley in Vacation. I think the last two are from either Revenge of the Nerds or Johnny Rotten from Public Image Limited, and the last one is either Canada Dry or a wine cooler ad. It is like totally hurting my brain, so it would be like totally awesome if you would like help me! Bitchin’


Gal Gadot is naturally gorgeous!
April 25th, 2018 under Gal Gadot. [ Comments: none ]

Gal Gadot posted a photo of herself without any makeup on and she looks even better. Her skin is flawless. She really is a Wonder Woman!

She’s an action star, a mom of 2 and with all of that she is absolutely perfect.


The thing that Gal Gadot can so with her hips!
February 27th, 2018 under Gal Gadot. [ Comments: none ]

Thanks to Wonder Woman, we learned that Gal Gadot can do a lot of things with her body. But there was something the movie did not teach us. She showed Vanity Fair the special thing she can do with her hips. She can hula hoop. I am sure all the boys are enjoying her talent as much as she is. They are also just as out of breath!

BTW I hope Patty Jenkins see this and adds a hula hooping scene to the sequel. She fend off bullets with it, right?


Did Gal Gadot really threaten to quit Wonder Woman over Brett Ratner?
November 15th, 2017 under DC Comics, Gal Gadot. [ Comments: none ]

Over the weekend, Page Six reported that Gal Gadot would not re-sign on as Wonder Woman if Brett Ratner and his production company were still financing the film. Today when she was on Today, Savannah Guthrie asked her that very question. The actress told her, “At the end of the day, a lot has been written about my views and the way that I feel and everyone knows the way that I feel because I’m not hiding anything.” Then she added, “But the truth is, there’s so many people making this movie, it’s not just me, and they all echoed…the same sentiments. Everyone knew what the right thing to do, but there was nothing for me to actually come and say because was already done before this article came out.”

It is nice to hear that it was an all around decision and no one had to be forced to do the right thing. Hopefully other ones will follow suit.


Gal Gadot is a true Wonder Woman
November 12th, 2017 under DC Comics, Gal Gadot. [ Comments: none ]

After several critically trashed movies, DC Comics finally had a huge hit on their hands with Wonder Woman and huge star in Gal Gadot. She is their Wonder Woman, and that means she has some pull because of what she has done to save their franchise.

What does she want? For starters, Page Six says she refuses to sign on for the sequel unless Brett Ratner, who has been accused of sexual assault, and his production company are completely removed from the film. A source explained her reasoning to the paper, “She’s tough and stands by her principles. She also knows the best way to hit people like Brett Ratner is in the wallet. She also knows that Warner Bros. has to side with her on this issue as it develops. They can’t have a movie rooted in women’s empowerment being part-financed by a man ­accused of sexual misconduct against women.”

No word yet what Warner Bros will do but I am sure if they dropped him, several other production companies would use their golden lassos to rope in the feature. Plus, she is their Wonder Woman and as of now she not easy to replace like when Christopher Reeve was Superman.


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