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The truth comes out in funny ways on Grandfathered and The Grinder
November 3rd, 2015 under Fox. [ Comments: none ]
Jimmy gets caught in a lie on Grandfathered at 8p on Fox and you don’t want to miss how he gets out of it.
Jimmy (John Stamos) is babysitting his granddaughter when his son Gerald (Josh Peck) calls and asks him to do a huge favor. Gerald and his baby mama Vanessa can’t get out of their parking spot, so they ask Jimmy to take Edie to the open house at the daycare they want to send her to. At first he refuses, but then he decides to go.
As he is parking the car, he meets the beautiful admissions’ lady (JoAnna Garcia) and he tells her that he is Edie’s father instead of her grandfather to impress her. The two of them hit it off and now he thinks his granddaughter is a shoe-in to get. But she isn’t. That is until Gerald arrives and introduces himself as the Edie’s dad. Everyone at the school thinks that Gerald and Jimmy are a couple and not father and son. Now the school is interested in Edie.
How far will Gerald and Jimmy go to keep their lie going to get her into the school. You will just have to tune in to find out. And also to find out how badly Jimmy screws things up.
Tonight’s Grandfathered is the best episode since the pilot, so you definitely don’t want to miss it.

Then at 8:30p, Stewart (Fred Savage) decides to fix up his brother Dean (Rob Lowe) with his prom date Gail (Christina Applegate) and The Grinder doesn’t object. Things go so well between the former flames, that Dean decides he wants to be a father to her son. Stewart and Debbie (Mary Elizabeth Ellis) can’t wait to meet this boy, so they agree to a double date with the on again/off again couple. Just as they are enjoying dinner, they get a surprise that is so shocking you don’t want to miss it. What can it be? You will just have to watch to find out.


Belle is caught between a beauty and the beast
November 2nd, 2015 under Fox, Josh Peck. [ Comments: 2 ]

Hey John Stamos, your show Grandfathered got picked up for a full season, what are you going to do? He’s going to go to Disneyland of course and he is going to take some of his cast members with him to celebrate!
What do you if you are him at the Happiest Place on Earth, then you are going to visit the Disney Princesses.
Looks like he is taking his role of playing a dad to Josh Peck seriously even when they are not working. That’s because when he introduced his TV son to Belle, he gave him some advice on how to pick her up. Did it work? I think it looks like she is into him.
But then again, maybe they are asking if she would like to be their guest in a three-way?


Sleepy Hollow rides into Bones tonight and heads will roll!
October 29th, 2015 under Bones, Fox. [ Comments: none ]
When Fox announced that Bones and Sleepy Hollow were going to do a crossover episode, I was so like whaaaaaat? Then I watched the 2 hour event and I was surprised how brilliantly it worked.
Bones (Emily Deschanel) and Booth (David Boreanaz) are called to investigate a body found at an abandoned church. While they are looking at her remains, they discover an iron coffin with a headless Red Coat soldier in it. Who is this mystery Revolutionary war victim? Mills (Nicole Beharie) and Crane (Tom Mison) travel down to DC to help identify him. The bones don’t lie it is someone Crane knows, just not who they thought it was.
Now, the four of them are going to try to solve the modern day murder and why she was left near Crane’s old friend. Ichabod wants to bring the bones back to Sleepy Hollow, but Bones doesn’t want to let him have them. When he discovers evidence that might prove the bones are his, he might have revealed his true identity. Will the Jeffersonian find out the truth about him?
Once the murder in DC is solved, the crossover moves to Sleepy Hollow. Crane brings the bones back with him and they come alive when they are home. The Red Coat needs to be stopped before he continues the killing spree he started almost 250 years ago. Will they be able kill the undead soldier?
While both shows did a great job with the two hour event, the Bones hour is so much better. I hope that the Sleepy Hollow writers watch Bones and see how they can improve the show and bring some of humor back to it. The conversions between Bones and Crane will remind you what the Sleepy Hollow has been missing since the first season.


Grandfathered cooks up a full season
October 28th, 2015 under Fox. [ Comments: none ]
A day after Fox picked up The Grinder for a full season, they did the same thing for Grandfathered. John Stamos and Josh Peck’s show finally got the back 9 today.
Hopefully they will use the extra episode to work on the show because as much I want to love it, I can’t. Over the last 24 hours, I figured out the biggest problem with the show. Most shows like this one (ie My Two Dads) deal with the surprise child showing up out of no where because the parent that has been raising them has died or abandoned them. Grandfathered still has Peck’s mother in the picture and its an element that’s hurting the show. There are too many characters and they are working against each other instead of with each other. Plus, it feels like the show was out of ideas by the second episode. Like this would’ve worked as a film, but not as a weekly series.
I do want this show to do well, but it needs help and it really needs to clean house. Just make it about Stamos, Peck, the baby and the workers at Stamos’ restaurant. Dump the women and make them bachelors trying to date while raising the baby and working odd hours.
What do you think can help the show?


Truth Be Told the show’s lucky it got 10 episodes and The Grinder grinds on!
October 27th, 2015 under CBS, Fox, NBC. [ Comments: none ]
NBC only had one new comedy debut this fall and they just cut Truth Be Told‘s episode order down to 10 from 13. The news is no surprise because it got very poor ratings. Not only that, truth be told, it sucks. I wanted to like it because I like Mark Paul Gosselaar and the show’s creator DJ Nash, but I couldn’t even fake a chuckle while suffering through the premiere. Seems I wasn’t alone because it got it’s episode order cut after just two airings.
Personally, I am surprised that NBC is going to keep it on the air for all 10 episodes. I think they would be smarter to extend Undatebale Live to an hour leading in to Grimm. Now, both shows will be hurt by Truth Be Told. But what do I know, I am just a viewer who likes the bread in that Friday sandwich.

UPDATE: Seems whenever one show, basically, gets cancelled, another one gets a full season pick up. Hours after Truth Be Told was told the harsh truth, The Grinder was given news I won’t object to. Fox announced today that they picked up the comedy for a full season. No word about Fox’s other new fall comedy Grandfathered, which airs beforehand, but the writing is pretty much on the wall. I am sure Fox will let it air all 13 episodes before replacing it with New Girl sometime next year.

UPDATE 2: For some reason, CBS picked up Life in Pieces for a full season. A decision I am sure they will quickly regret the one time they air after a The Big Bang Theory repeat. Then the true rating numbers will be told.
My theory why they renewed the least funny sitcom of the fall, is they are hoping it will get them awards since TBBT’s time doing that is pretty much dunzo.
What this news means for The Odd Couple, Mike & Molly and Angel from Hell (which is almost as awful as Life in Pieces) is unknown at this time.


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