What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. What happens on a the flight from LA to Vegas is a very high-in-the-sky-larious sitcom debuting on Fox tonight at 9p!
Every weekend, Captain Dave Pratman (Dylan McDermott) pilots a flight on Jackpot Airlines from LA to Vegas. He is a throwback to the pilots from the ’70s. You know, the ones who drink too much, are completely full of themselves and are also pure sex machines. His co-pilot, Alan (Amir Talai), is quiet, but would do anything to be the captain.
Then there are the flight attendants, Bernard (Nathan Lee Graham) and Ronnie (Kim Matula). Bernard is the cool under pressure steward, who is the sane one in all of the madness during their short weekly journies. Ronnie on the other hand is so over the job and just like the wacky passengers on board with her.
Talking about the passengers, there are three who do the trek with them every week for much different reasons. Artem (Peter Stormare), goes there to play the games. He loves betting and will bet on anything. He is also a wheeler and dealer who loves to have fun. Nichole (Olivia Macklin) is a stripper, who tries to recruit the female passengers and get the males ones to go see her take her clothes off. Finally, there is Colin (Ed Weeks) who travels back and forth to see his son who lives in the city of sin. Sin is what him and Ronnie want to be doing but things seem to keep getting in their way.
Tonight’s episode is your typical pilot that lets you meet the people who put the nuts in airline peanuts. Next week, they contend with a man who dies on the flight and what to do with his dead body. But it is the third episode you really want to watch. That is because Dermot Mulroney guest stars as Dylan McDermott’s replacement. If you could not tell them apart before this episode, it will be even harder after you finally see the two of them acting together.
Actually, you want to check out all of their episodes because I think it is the best new comedy of the 2017-2018 season. This sitcom brings Modern Family’s Steve Levitan back to his roots of pushing the envelope comedies with heart like Greg the Bunny, Stacked and Oliver Beene. Thirty minutes of outrageous laughs that make you glad to tuned in for all of them. Plus, it is perfectly paired with The Mick, another show you should be watching to make your days feel so much better.
The last new show of the season to find out its fate, got its future handed to it today. Fox asked the paranormal comedy for 6 more episodes. According to Deadline, part of the condition for the pickup is that they change showrunners and turn it into a workplace comedy as compared to one where they seek out the strange.
When will Fox learn that is not good idea. They screwed up Breaking In when they interfered in that way and now they are doing the same thing to Ghosted. If they really want to fix a show, they need to work on Gifted. That Sci Fi show went from good to bad in 5 episodes.
2017 is coming to an end and that means that broadcast shows will be going on a winter hiatus. Therefore, we will not get be getting new episodes until 2018 soon.
Today, Fox announced their Winter schedule and not all your shows will be back in the New Year. The Exorcist and The Orville all air the season finales in December, and as of now only one will be back next season. While Seth MacFarlane’s Syfy drama will be back, I do not think the other two will be. That is unless The Gifted gets a major rework. It stated off great, but it went to barely watchable in a few episodes. Why can’t Marvel shows succeed on broadcast TV?
Then there is Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Gotham, Empire and Star that will all take a longer break and return later on in the season. Maybe by then, they will also slot the final season of New Girl.
Finally, it is time for the new shows. LA to Vegas, which is my favorite new comedy of the season, debuts on January 2nd. It is perfectly paired with The Mick but both shows should air in the 8p hour instead of after Lethal Weapon. The Resident, a medical drama, is paired with Lucifer and I do not agree with that decision. I want Luci with The X-Files. What is really interesting is that Fox has nothing scheduled for Fridays at 9p.
That is Fox, The CW’s show will go on break starting on December 4th except for Valor, Riverdale and Dynasty that will have the midseason finales the following week.
To see Fox’s January 2018 schedule, then click here!
If you thought that last week’s sex scene between a blob and a human on The Orville was the strangest thing you were going to see on Fox this month, you were so wrong. Tonight’s The Mick on Fox at 9p, will shock you and shock you again until they do something that will make scream Jesus’ full name. Once you get the “st” out, you will be laughing so hard that you will be in pain. Then you will watch it all over and over and over again.
Before we get to that moment, let me tell what you the episode is about. BTW did I tell you it is the best one of the show’s run so far? It is like they threw caution into wind and whatever the censors let them get away with, they did. And they get away with a lot.
Back to the episode, Mickey (Kaitlin Olson) takes Sabrina (Sofia Black-D’Elia), Chip (Thomas Barbusca) and Ben (Jack Stanton) to their great grandmother’s 100th birthday party, but their grandmother won’t let the 4 of them plus Alba (Carla Jimenez) and Jimmy (Scott MacArthur) in to the party. When their great grandmother sees Mickey, she thinks she is an old friend from Coral Gables. Therefore, she lets them stay for the party. In fact, she asks them all to stay for the weekend. Since evil grandma is going away, they invite themselves over. What is the worst that can happen? It happens and it does not stop happening. You just have to see it to believe because I saw it and I do not believe it. But that does not mean you will not laugh until your pants are soaking wet. It is so wrong and yet so so so right.
In other words, I am preparing you for an episode that is one of the funniest half hours of television so far.
If you want to watch something more serious, then tonight’s This Is Us on NBC at 9p is for you. For the first time in the show’s run, the episode will be just about Kevin.
It has been a few days since Kevin (Justin Hartley) broke up with Sophie at her doorstep. He has been staying at a hotel and has not left his room since he got there. All he has been doing is drinking in that room. Until he gets a phone call that he is getting honored at his high school the next day.
He heads back home, and being their brings back memories with his father (Milo Ventimilgia). The good times they had when he was playing football and the bad one he had when he broke his knee during the game.
That is the past, his present is spiraling down faster than the Titanic went under. He is a star at his alma mater and they have him up on a pedestal. But we can see he is at his lowest. He is calling out for help, but no one is listening. Will anyone finally hear him?
It all comes to a conclusion that will set up for next week’s episode that is all about Kate (Chrissy Metz). Then the Big Three event concludes the following week with an episode that is all about Randall (Sterling K Brown).
One more note about tonight’s episode, I have never seen Hartley act as masterfully as he does tonight. He gives the performance of a lifetime and then some. The Emmy people will have to recognize him for this episode because it is that phenomenal. There is one scene that will rip your heart out as you get to see what his character is all about it. This is a must not miss episode, so don’t miss it.
UPDATE: To hear what Sterling K Brown had to say about the episode and Hartley, then click here!
I love Lucifer (Tom Ellis) but tonight at 8p on Fox, the episode is mostly about his even more devilish ally Maze (Lesley-Ann Brandt). I do not what took them three seasons to do this, but good things come to those who wait.
Maze is working as a Bounty Hunter and she has to cross over to Canada to catch her guy. Ben Rivers (Chris McKenna) is a very charming murderer, who uses his looks and appeal to get his women. Since she is Maze, she will do a lot illegal things to capture him. Once she does, she sees herself in him. There is a reason why and that reason might be the end of them. Will it be?
Seriously, this episode is so much fun that I could honestly see them spinning off Mr. and Mrs. Mazikeen Smith as a series. Whether you watch the show (which you should) or not, you will enjoy tonight’s show.
Tonight at 9p on Fox, we learn even more about the Mutants on The Gifted.
Blink (Jamie Chung) is still dealing with the after effects of overusing her powers in the pilot. One the drawbacks is that she can no longer create portals. Thunderbird (Blair Redford) and Dreamer (Elena Satine) are going to work with her to help her regain her power.
Something they are going to need sooner rather than later. That’s because the Struckers (Amy Acker, Natalie Alyn Lind and Percy Hynes White) ran away in order to rescue their patriarch (Stephen Moyer). They will go to Reed’s brother, who’s son accidentally reveals that they are staying with him. That is when a bunch of locals try to take them in. Thankfully, some of the Gifted come to rescue the Strukers at that very moment. Now they are on the run and need their Mutant abilities to save them.
When it comes to Reed (Boyer), he has been recruited to bring in Mutants in order to save his family. Now that he knows his kids are both Mutants, will that cause the District Attorney to change his outlook on them?
It is another adrenaline ride of episode and that is why people are loving this Marvel Comics show.
Finally at 10p but over on ABC, it is time for The Good Doctor. A medical drama so good, people cannot stop kissing and telling about it. Which is something we are going to learn about Dr Shaun Murphy (Freddie Highmore) tonight.
Dr Melendez (Nicholas Gonzalez) is assigned a pregnant patient, whose fetus has a tumor that is blocking its flow of blood. The parents-to-be came to Melendez because they know he has done the surgery that can save their baby. The surgeon thinks it is too risky for the mother, but Murphy comes up with a different way. Much to the dislike of his attending.
Therefore, Melendez sends him and fellow Resident Claire Browne (Antonia Thomas) down to deal with another case. An 18-year-old woman who has a boil insider of her vagina. Turns out it is not a boil, but a lesion and they have to operate. Also turns out this teen has an interesting job. One that will tell us more about Dr Murphy’s love life. He almost kissed a girl once and we will see that tonight.
There is a reason why The Good Doctor is TV #1 new show. It is because it is that good. Even if you missed the first three episodes, you can catch up on them after you watch tonight’s episode. You will be as hooked as the millions of people who are already loving this medical drama.