Family Feud has gotten a lot of contestants in trouble for their answers and now an answer got Steve Harvey in trouble. The host asked the contestants “Name a command you give a dog that you might give your lover in bed.” Well the answers were what you expected at the beginning, but then when he asked Ashley she said “eat!” Well we all know what she meant and so did the host. And then when he was talking to the next family member, the foxy mom, he said to her if he wasn’t off the market he was be at her house on Sunday eating. Well after the previous answer she gave him a look and he knew he messed up. But we all got a huge laugh because of it. Seriously I devoured that mistake.
BTW when it comes to what I would have answered, it is a toss up for me between “get up” and “play dead”. What commands do you use for both?
Family Feud likes to go there and they totally went there when Steve Harvey asked “Name something you wish was a little bigger?” Of course when he asked the question to a guy, the contestant started off explaining that he doesn’t have the problem. The game show host was like you don’t have to give a speech before this answer, so the guy just said “pen!s” and looked down in shame. Steve knew it was coming so he just stood there in shock as he realized that word really came out of Corey’s mouth and then he bit his lip so that he would not be caught laughing uncontrollably. So he did the only thing he could do and that was to ask the guy’s pregnant wife what she thought of her husband’s answer. She said she didn’t understand why he said that. No matter what answers were on that board that day, that was the best one given on the show in a really long time. He better her buy something huge and expensive for that.
Now when it comes to Corey, he is going to have the time like his last name when he gets home…Ruff. Even though his wife said he was huge.
And finally yes the answer was on the board, did you really think it wouldn’t be?
Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Name something a man might have in his pants when he is going on a hot date?” Well the first person said, “A Condom” and it was the top answer on the board as “A Weenie Beanie”. WTF is “A Weenie Beanie”?
But that is not the answer you care about, after three more boring answers it was McKenzi’s time. She said that “maybe he is excited to go on his date.” Now you and I know what she meant, but Harvey wanted her to be more specific. Well then she said, “Boner.” The host was so shocked by her answer that he went off on one his hysterical rants before finally seeing if the answer was on the board. Lucky for them it was the fifth answer and it was listed as a “Pitched Tent.” Once the answer was revealed, he went over to the other family and did something I have never seen him do before.
Seriously you have to watch his reaction to her answer because it was priceless. Who knew a boner was such a bad word to say on television?
BTW if I were a contestant on the show, I would’ve said “his hand” and it would not have been on the board.
Richard Dawson passed away yesterday at the age of 79. His son Gary posted this message on Facebook, “Dear Friends. It is with a very heavy heart that I inform you that my father passed away this evening from complications due to esophageal cancer. He was surrounded by his family. He was an amazing talent, a loving husband, a great dad, and a doting grandfather. He will be missed but always remembered…” We will always remember him for changing the face of game shows when he was the original host of Family Feud. We always remember the laughs we got watching him on Hogan’s Heroes. He will live on, so help him do so by watching him on either a game show or TV show. Smiling through the tears will help you remember his genius as it should be remembered.
Family Feud asked “Name something that can never be long enough.” Well after three Xs, the fourth person finally got the right answer. A sweet Kendra told Steve Harvey, that she was going with “a man’s private parts.” Her answer left the host with his mouth wide open and nothing to say, but “Did you understand the question?” Proud of her an answer, and yet a little embarrassed by what just came out of her mouth she said that she did. In fact her male family agreed with her. Well Harvey finally turned around to see if the answer was on the board and nine people agreed with Kendra and me that a “man trouser’s snake” can never long enough.
See the things you can learn on Family Feud, like you are not alone in your thought about things like the size of man’s pride and joy.
BTW I wonder how many phrases the gameshow has used for the word “pen!s”?