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Family Feud’s most original nickname for the pee pee!
September 17th, 2012 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

The thing I enjoy most about Family Feud is all of the nicknames they have for the male genitalia and their latest one is my favorite. Steve Harvey asked the contestants, “A wife can really cut her husband down to size by making fun of his what?” Well the first person to buzz in was a woman and she said weight and of course that was not the top answer. Then it was time for a man to give it a try and he guessed “his manhood.” Well when Steve turned around to see if it was on the board, it was but as “Shrinky Dink!” I have never heard the pen!s called a “Shrinky Dink” before, but now that I have that is what I am going to call it from now on. Even though the game show host suggested I don’t.
What’s your favorite nickname for the Shrinky Dink?


Family Feud is getting even sexier this season!
September 10th, 2012 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

The new version of Family Feud with Steve Harvey is not as innocent as the one that was hosted by Richard Dawson and that is a very good thing. They ask questions that lead to answers that are not very family friendly and Harvey just feeds off of it to make it even funnier. I mean it has gotten to the point that they have to come up with different names for the male body part. And it looks like the new season that began today is going to take it all to a whole new level.
As an example the latest question was asked to a 100 men, “Name something that you have never had, but you know you want it. Well this clip shows the family that is guessing after the other one got three strikes and they said “a bigger package”. Now even though that answer is forcing a sweet old lady to change churches, I think the answers on the board were even more titillating. The first one that caught my attention was a “sexy set of wheels” as compared to a sweet set of wheels? Then there was “hot babe/model” which was interesting way to put it. And they saved the best answer for last…”threesome”. Thankfully there were two guys (who I wonder if they would be willing to be in a threesome together) were honest about that otherwise that would’ve been a pretty boring board.
So in short, I think the new season is going to be even sexier and dirtier, and that has me tuning in.


What does Steve Harvey think was the worst answer that’s flipped over on Family Feud?
August 27th, 2012 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

I am finally at that point where whatever is asked on Family Feud no longer surprises me. The latest question Steve Harvey had to ask was, “Name something that has white balls?” Being a girl my mind went right there and so did Harvey’s, but the contestants were thinking more along the lines of Ping Pong, Baseball and Golf. So when the round was over, it was now time to find out if there were other people whose minds went below the belt. Thankfully there are 5 other people who believe that “White Dudes” have white balls besides Harvey, me and you. Admit it, that is what you were thinking too!


What is more satisfying than a man?
August 21st, 2012 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Family Feud continues to ask non-family friendly questions on the game show and I am so happy that they do! The latest one is “What is more satisfying than a man?” Of course the all women team who are either pregnant or just had a baby said things like chocolate and shopping, but it was the other family who had the answer that every woman said when they heard the question. They said sexual toy and of course it was on the board, but sadly not as high up on it as it should be. Sorry men the fake battery-operated you is just better and more satisfactory!


Steve Harvey calls his junk GFS the Godfather of Soul!
August 8th, 2012 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey was hosting Family Feud and he asked the contestants “Name something that Shaquille O’Neal has that is bigger than yours?” Then Nick said the obvious “junk!” Well when Harvey goes to see if it is on the board, and the judges tell him that that answer falls under the #1 answer “Body parts”. So for the next two minutes Harvey, went off about how the “junk” is not a body part. You just have to watch the two minute rant because it is one of the funniest things I have ever seen him do on the show and he has done a lot of hysterical things on the game show. But the best part comes when he tells Nick that he named his junk “GFS the Godfather of Soul” and then sings a song that his highly appropriate!!! So sit back and get excited all over again about Family Feud! I mean what other show could or would a host do what Steve Harvey does and do it so well!


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