Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Steve Harvey
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This woman was overly excited to say ‘sex’ on Family Feud!
December 9th, 2014 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: 1 ]

Steve Harvey asked the contestants, “Name something that only takes 2 people to do, but it is even more fun when more people join in?” Deleta didn’t hesitate to buzz in. As soon as the host of Family Feud gave her the go ahead, she screamed with excitement, “Sex!” So he asked her nervously, “You and Carl (her husband) got something y’all wanna tell us?” She boasted, “45 years!” Then her son screamed out, “I don’t want to hear that.” Imagine if she said something else. That poor kid would be scarred for life. Although the plus side for them is that they would probably be the most popular couple in town, so it might’ve been worth it.
In case you were wondering, sex was on the board. Shockingly it wasn’t #1 because I can’t think of any other answer to that question. Can you?


Only on Family Feud can saying masturbate get you a Standing O!
November 20th, 2014 under ABC, Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey asked Anthony, “You never want to shake hands with someone right after they do what?” The 16 year old excitingly told the Family Feud host, “Masturbate!” His proud family gave him high fives, hugs and told him good answer as the audience stood up to show how thrilled they were with the answer.
So was his good answer on the board? Shockingly, no. What’s up or should I say down with that? I know I wouldn’t want to shake hands with someone who just finished shaking himself. Would you?


Family Feud makes you wonder how easy is it to get into college?
November 18th, 2014 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Family Feud asked the contestants, “Name something that is hard to do with your eyes open?” Rell proudly said, “Read!” His family applauded the answer as the audience laughed hysterically. Steve Harvey was so flabbergasted by the answer that he walked over to make eye contact with Rell’s grandmother to get her reaction to his response. She just laughed in shame because what else could she do.
So you have to wonder how did this guy get into college? Don’t you have to be able to read with your eyes open in order to take the tests and fill out the applications to get in? More importantly, don’t you have to read to with your eyes open to stay in school?
On a positive note, at least he didn’t say drive. That is scary on a completely different level.
On an even more positive note, at least the answer wasn’t on the board.


What would most men love about living life as a woman?
October 28th, 2014 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Family Feud asks the questions you want answered, but you would never ever ask anyone to find out what they are. The latest question added to their ever expanding list is, “We asked 100 men, name something that you might like about living life as a woman?” Without any hesitation, Tommy hit that buzzer and exclaimed, “Have my own breasts!” Steve Harvey just lost it, and screamed yes multiple times as if he already had them to play with.
So was the answer on the board, it was #1 of course.
I know I am being a female chauvinist pig, but I think if men had their own breasts, they’d never leave the house. Granted, now I have to wonder why men with moobs, don’t play with them all the time? Or do they?
So men, I ask you, what would you might like about living life as a woman?


Steve Harvey gets the Breaking Amish cast to try Sushi
October 16th, 2014 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Remember the first time you were told to try Sushi, you were like “ew, gross?” Well, imagine if you are Amish and you never heard of the Japanese dish, how would you react? Steve Harvey decided to get the answer to that question on his show today with two of the stars from Breaking Amish. Matt acted just like we did, but maybe even a little worse because we are used to it in out society by now.
Now when it comes to the dinner table being turned on Harvey, he acted the same way as Matt when he tried Amish food. And we would too because we always get grossed when we are told to try a new food we are not used to.
But it is still fun to watch. The same way it is fun to watch a kid when you tell them to try calamari or escargot for the first time.


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