Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Steve Harvey
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These Family Feud contestants act like they’re at a strip club!
January 22nd, 2015 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “What is the sexiest job a man can have?” Lucy screamed, “A stripper!!!” with the same amount of enthusiasm she would have if she saw a man stripping in front of her. Steve, being Steve, asked her if she has ever been to a strip club and she told him yes. Then she explained, “I went there for my Bachelorette party.” But she wasn’t done yet, as she added, “But then I got divorced. But I kept the name.” Steve wanted to know if her ex measured up to the strippers and how much money she spent that night. She said he didn’t and a few hundred dollars. I have been to a lot of strip clubs and I never spent that much. Have you?
BTW ladies, who answered this survey, how come Stripper was the 4th answer on the board. I think it should be #1 or at least #2 behind fireman.


Watch a Family Feuder reveal too much about her sex life!
January 8th, 2015 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: 1 ]

Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Name a small place where a big couple might have trouble making love?” When he got to Karla, she told him, “I have a hard time in the…” Then she realized that she just revealed something very personal about her sexual life on national television. Her reaction to her slip up is just perfect! After no sympathy from the host as he asked the question again, she revealed it is “on the couch!”
Thankfully, her embarrassment wasn’t for nothing because the answer was on the board!


This Family Feud contestant admits his thingy is smaller than it appears!
December 17th, 2014 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Name part of your body that looks bigger when you are nude than when you are dressed.” Curtiss took one for his sons and responded with, “The man’s private parts.” Then the Abraham of Family Feud got all red as he nervously laughed about his honest answer.
So was his sacrifice worth it? Yes, Weapon of Mass Destruction was on the board!!!


This Family Feud contestant got all the other ones licked!
December 16th, 2014 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Name something that has to be licked?” Gene in his very deep voice said, “A woman!” And with that he has a whole new whole fan base of women who are in love with him. But ladies, sorry to tell you, he is taken. His wife Debbie, was so excited by his answer that she couldn’t stop laughing and gave him a high five. I am sure later on that night, she gave him a low one. Even though the answer was somehow not on the board. What was up with that that?


Another example of why Steve Harvey is the best game show host!
December 10th, 2014 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Some might say they don’t make game show hosts like they used to, but I say that Steve Harvey is better than all of them. The Family Feud host is warm, charming, very funny and self deprecating in a non-harmful way to them and to himself.
Recently on the game show he asked the contestants, “Give me a place where people pour their hearts out to a complete stranger.” When he got to Barry, the contestant said with pride “the doctor”. Harvey then asked him how sure he is that the answer is on the board? Barry started giving off percentages, and Steve kept telling him to go higher until he reached 100%. The reason why, the answer was already on the board. Harvey could’ve just told him that, but he had some fun with him and the audience until he realized his mistake.
It is his quick thinking and funny responses like that which is why I declare him the best game show host ever. Don’t you just love him?


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