Family Feud asked the contestants, “Name something a man picks up on a date!” When Steve Harvey got to Lisa there were already 4 answers on the board and her family had two strikes against them, so she had to be careful. Her answer proved that if a man isn’t careful, he will pick up an STD on that date. Her embarrassment to that answer is why we love the show. The fact that it was on the board, is why we absolutely adore it!
So men, Family Feud is giving you a little safer sex reminder. If you don’t want to pick up an STD on your date, make sure to pick up some condoms. It doesn’t have to be on the board for you to know that.
Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Name something that swings both way?” Angie proudly answered his question by saying “A penis!” The shock on the host’s face is perfect.
Just like her answer that was shockingly not on the board. I don’t why not, because if man is running naked that is thing is swinging like pendulum back and forth!
BTW I would’ve said Lindsay Lohan, Evan Rachel Wood, Alan Cumming or Anne Heche, but that is me!
The other night on Family Feud, Dipa wanted to show Steve Harvey some Bollywood moves. The gracious host was more than willing to learn them. Dipa put a scarf on him and he said once you put that on my neck, then it is about to go down. Down it went. First he followed her instructions and shook his hips and changed the lightbulb. But then he added his own and that is when it really went down. That’s when he put the scarf on her as she faced the opposite direction of him and he rode the pony. He had a rare moment with the contestant and apologized for really getting into the moment. He has nothing to be sorry about because even the cast of Magic Mike don’t have moves that are as smooth as his! Go Harvey! Go Harvey! Go!
Family Feud asked 100 people, “Besides his home, name a place where a man might completely remove his pants?” When he got to Steven, four of the seven answers were up on the board and his family had two strikes against them. That means, there were not that many options left. So he tried to go with what type of answer he thought might be there, and he said, “A Brothel!” Without skipping a beat, Steve told him, “The judges want to know what do you mean by that?” Steven questioned the host, and said “They do?” Then the sweet contestant tried to describe it and he was so embarrassed like he was caught with his pants down. When he couldn’t describe it, Steve admitted that the judges didn’t want to know what he meant, he just wanted to see him sweat. We saw him sweat and we saw him blush, so Harvey knew what he was doing and it worked.
Sad thing is it didn’t work for Steven because the answer was not on the board.
Family Feud asked 100 people, “Name something a doctor might pull out of a person?” and the contestants had to guess what those individuals said. Darci was quick to buzz in and she said, “gerbil.” As soon as she realized what word just came out of her mouth, she shook her head in shame and disgust. While she was doing that, Steve Harvey just stared at her dumbfounded and her competitor, Manny, laughed at her with the best laugh I’ve heard in a while.
So was the answer on the board? Hell no. But it will forever be in our thoughts. Just like the urban legend about Richard Gere, you know, the one. I never thought that there was any truth to it, but yet every now and again I am reminded of that false rumor. For example, how can you not think about it after watching yet another hilarious moment from the game show?