Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Steve Harvey
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Family Feud asks which your lover’s body parts you’d eat as chocolate!
November 19th, 2015 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Name a part of lover’s body you would like to eat a chocolate mold of?” Without hesitation, April buzzed in and laughed as she said, “His private area!” Sadly, “Wonder Down Under” was the second answer on the board. I don’t know why, I would enjoy it more if it tasted like chocolate. Wouldn’t you?
What was the #1 answer? The chest area. Which means more men answered the question than women. Although, I think butt should’ve been the #1 answer because I like big butts and lots of chocolate! There is only so much you can fit in the mold of his Butterfinger! Oh, that is why they call that bar that! Makes so much sense now!


Family Feud contestant says it’s OK for your lover to kiss your junk!
November 10th, 2015 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Fill in the blank, anyone can kiss you on the cheek, but only your lover can kiss you on the what?” Stan looked hesitant as he was about to give his answer, but proudly said, “Junk, Steve!” The host and Stan’s wife put their heads down in shame, but I think it was a great answer. Sadly though, we were the only two who felt that way. Which is kind of a little weird because 11 people said it was OK for your lover to kiss your “pooper”. I don’t know about you, but I prefer the junk. Although, I wouldn’t call what I do down there kissing, would you?


Steve Harvey’s interview with Lorena Bobbitt is a cut above the rest!
November 9th, 2015 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Back on 1993, Lorena Bobbitt made national headlines when she cut off her husband’s penis and threw it out the window of her car. For years after the incident, she talked about it but she has mostly been silent in recent years.
That all changed today when Steve Harvey had her on his show. As soon as he mentioned what she did, he cringed. Then as they discussed why she says she did it and recollects the moment it happened, Harvey animatedly asks her questions about it. He asks her as any man would when he heard what she did, protecting what she cut off like someone cutting the end off of a carrot when they are in rush.
But then when the brilliantly executed jokes were over, he got serious with her. Bobbitt has claimed that he abused her and that is what led her to doing what she did. That is when the host said that no one should be abused. Which I think we can all agree with.
Harvey mixed the perfect amount of comedy with seriousness and because of that I think his manhood is safe…for now!


Family Feud asked men what they like suck on and it goes there!
November 4th, 2015 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: 1 ]

Steve Harvey asked the Family Feud contestants, “When you were a baby you loved your pacifier, what do you love sucking on now?” The first contestant buzzed and guessed Popsicle. It was the third answer on the board and there were two answers on the board that scored higher. Now it was Charles turn and without hesitation he said, “Nipple!” All his family could do was laugh, as the Pastor, yes Pastor, begged, “Oh Jesus, help me!” Jesus helped him out because “Handful o’ Hooters” was #2 on the board.
I feel for Pastor Charles because he is going to have very interesting sermon on Sunday after his flock watches this episode. But in his defense there is nothing wrong with a husband enjoying his wife’s nipple. There is nothing in the bible that says it is a sin! So he has nothing to be embarrassed about. When it comes to his three kids, they can totally be embarrassed because no matter how old you are; you never want to hear about your parents sex life and especially on national television.


Watch this Family Feud contestant flip her weave!
October 21st, 2015 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey likes to get to know the contestants on Family Feud and sometimes he regrets that decision. For example, when he went over to the Henrys to get know them, he learned more about them than he wanted to know.
First, he said hi to the head of the family Waltrece and then he went over to her family member Terree, who claims to be the family angel with halo and all. Waltrece doesn’t agree, so she told the host that there are horns under Terree’s weave. Terree responded by saying, “She’s lying because up under this weave…” As she was saying that, she took off her weave to reveal there were no horns.
What could Steve do after that, but walk away and try to top that. Which you can’t.
When it comes to Terree’s weave, I think she looked so much better without it. And yes her halo was still shining because only a true angel can get away with that.


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