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This Family Feud contestant became the laughing stock to his friends
August 10th, 2016 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey wanted to know from the contestants, “Name something a man wears at home, his wife won’t let him wear in public?” Bo proudly told the Family Feud host, “I am going to say her clothes!” Lucky for him the answer was on the board.
Unlucky for him, he said that answer on National TV. That means, as soon as his friends and co-workers see this episode, they are going to totally tease him about it. For example, they will bring in women’s clothing for him to wear, so he feel like he has all the comforts at home while he is working. The joys of being on a televised game show.


The ABC game shows are so hot! How hot are they?
August 4th, 2016 under ABC, Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

So hot ABC renewed Celebrity Family Feud, Match Game, $100,000 Pyramid and To Tell the Truth for another season. The news should come as no surprise to anyone because they have done better in the ratings than most of ABC’s shows that air during the regular season. Which makes you wonder why ABC is only airing them in the summer. I would prefer to watch them over a lot of ABC’s dramas. Wouldn’t you?
I mean we knew Steve Harvey was a good game show host, but who knew that Alec Baldwin was the perfect match for Match Game? If you haven’t seen their Sunday night lineup, then you need to watch the past episodes on their website, onDemand or their app. You won’t be disappointed!


What do women like to do when they are alone?
July 14th, 2016 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Family Feud asked 100 women, “Name something you love doing when you’re all alone?” D was quick buzz in, but was a little hesitant to say her answer. Then she blurted out with excitement, “Masturbate!”
Now you look at her, say she is in the Air Force and would never say that. But she did and that earned her a salute from Steve Harvey, the people there, me and probably you too.
Was that answer good enough to be on the board? Shockingly, no. Because let’s be real ladies, it is what we like to do when we are alone. More than reading! Unless that reading is a trashy novel to put us in the mood.


Gotta love when erectile dysfunction is a Family Feud answer
July 12th, 2016 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Name something that terrifies men?” Stan proudly told the host, “Now Steve I don’t have this problem but erectile dysfunction.” Then he clapped his hands like he just won the game. Not even close because it wasn’t even on the board. Which is crazy because I have seen enough ads that say that does.


This Family Feud contestant will be the butt of all jokes!
June 27th, 2016 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Name something people stick their fingers in that they shouldn’t?” Cyrus looked a little nervous as he quietly told the host, “Their butt.” Since he said it as the buzzer was buzzing, he had to repeat it but a little louder this time. Poor guy.
Sadly, he is now the butt of all jokes at work for no reason at all because the answer was not on the board. I don’t know why it wasn’t up there because it is the only answer that I came up with?
BTW this was not the butt answer I wanted to post from Family Feud, but sadly they didn’t upload the one I wanted to share with you from Celebrity Family Feud. They asked the contestants, “We asked 100 women, name something specific that only your man is allowed to do to your behind?” Kellie Pickler’s friend was the only one who went there and you know what went there means. The Farrah Abraham, although she classified it as doing the dirty. And that answer also wasn’t on the board.
What is wrong with the people they are polling?


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