Steve Harvey wanted to know, “Name something you might place both of your hands on at the same time. Teenager Tre told the Family Feud host, “I hope this don’t ruin my chances, but a penis!”
Because of the camera’s angle, you get to see his parents put their heads down in shame. Sadly, they were shamed for no reason because body was already on the board. I know a lot of people who would argue, the penis is separate from the body. I know I am one of them.
So you know how on The Steve Harvey Show, he has audience members ask him questions? Well one woman stood up and told him that she hasn’t been able to take a honeymoon with her husband because he is always traveling for his work as an actor. You might’ve heard of him, he is Butch Patrick who played Eddie Munster on the ’60s sitcom The Munsters. He joined her on the show and the daytime talk show host admitted he is a huge fan of the child actor. But that reveal was not as amazing as when Mrs Patrick revealed that her hubby, “is a real monster in the bed, if you know what I mean.” Then she added, “And sometimes, he even howls.”
And with that my childhood has been completely ruined.
Steve Harvey asked Ray, “The good news is that you booked a commercial for a new men’s product, the bad news is it is for what?” With a huge grin on his face, the Family Feud contestant told the host, “I don’t know!”
I mean it isn’t one the game show’s best questions, so you can’t blame him for giving that answer, can you?
Did he ever answer the question? Yes he did. One bald man told the other bald man, “Hair color!” Perfect!
Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Name something you only have one set of?” Darrick buzzed in said, “children,” and it was not on the board. Then it was Mark’s turn and he proudly guessed, “balls!” To which his competitor responded with, “That’s how you get the children.” Yes and no, but we all know it is the thing between them that does that.
When it comes to if balls was on the board, it was as, “wrinkly danglers.” With that we have a new word for testicles.
Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Name something that is itsy bitsy?” When he walked over to Darla, she didn’t hesitate to tell him, “A penis!” The host hesitated for a few seconds to find out if that was what she really said. Then as it sunk into him what she had just said, her son encouraged her by saying, “Good answer, mama!” No, comment on that!
Sadly, that answer wasn’t on the board. Which is weird because the first guy I went down on has an itsy bitsy penis. Never forget.
That wasn’t the only answer given by the Durhams that wasn’t on the board. Tiera guessed, “pubic hair!”
I don’t know about you, but I want to have supper over at their house one night because their conversation must be scrumptious.