Jake Owen was playing a charity concert in his hometown of Vero Beach, Fl and at the end of the show he brought his girlfriend on stage to be with him. Then he got down on one knee and asked Lacey Buchanan to marry him. Of course she said yes because how could you say no to a proposal like that in front of all of those people. Several hearts were broken over the news, but looking at happy they are I think they will get over it.
Little Malcolm in the Middle Frankie Muniz is all grown up! How grown up the former-child star, he is engaged! Agent Cody Banks Tweeted the news over the weekend by saying “After 4 years together, I’m so happy to be ENGAGED to the love of my life @ElyciaMarie!!!”
Wow, it is had to believe that he is old enough to kiss a girl, let alone, you know, one!
Actually congrats to him, it is nice to see a child star grow up pretty normal.
BTW it is sweet to see how much he is enjoying his new relationship status because he here is what he said today about it, “Playing frisbee in the park with my fiancee and our dogs… so Hallmark card worthy.” Now you know that Hallmark will cast him in one of their love telefilms after reading that Tweet!!!
Crystal Harris, 24 did what so many other Playmates have not been able to do, she got Hugh Hefner to propose to her. The 84 year old Playboy mogul announced the news on his Twitter.
After the movie tonight, Crystal & I exchanged gifts. I gave Crystal a ring. A truly memorable Christmas Eve.
When I gave Crystal the ring, she burst into tears. This is the happiest Christmas weekend in memory.
@laurac_stargirl I got what I was hoping for for Christmas, Laura–Crystal’s love.
Yes, the ring I gave Crystal is an engagement ring. I didn’t mean to make a mystery out of it. A very merry Christmas to all.
With the 60 year age difference between them, I bet he is grateful for Viagra and she is grateful for his money…
Finally some good news for Christina Applegate, she is making like the first word of the show that made her famous and getting Married! According to Us Weekly Porno for Pyros’ Martyn LeNoble proposed to her on Valentine’s Day and as of now they have not set a date. And once they do set a date hopefully she will complete the title of that show and be …with Children!
This is her second marriage she was previously married to actor/writer Jonathan Schaech, who is also engaged.
Never Been Kissed’s Michael Vartan is doing something he has never done before and that is getting married. According to People he is engaged to his girlfriend of a year, Lauren Skaar and the two plan of tying the knot next year. They met at a Whole Foods parking lot. Who knew you could find your soul mate at a supermarket parking lot? Now that I know, I am off to wear some slutty clothes and hang out in front of a Whole Foods until I meet my one true love. You know a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.
On a side note, his engagement saddens me because he looks like my ex who also recently got engaged. Yeah now I am going to wear an even tighter shirt.
BTW can I call any of you to bail me out in case I accidentally get arrested for solicitation? You know, cause if I stay out there for too long someone might mistake what I am doing for something else…