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Maybe it is time to just end Fashion Police?
March 13th, 2015 under E!. [ Comments: 1 ]

Weeks after Kelly Osbourne says she left Fashion Police over Guilana Rancic’s stupid joke, Kathy Griffin quit the show too. The red headed comedian wrote the most self-promoting resignation letter for the press and her fans and claims the show would not let her bring her “brand of humor.”
E! confirmed her departure and said the show would go on even with only half its panel.
I get they tried to keep Joan Rivers’ show alive, but I think it is time to end it. Would anyone really miss it?


Watch Christina Milian get her nipple pierced
January 19th, 2015 under E!. [ Comments: 1 ]

Out of all the things I would want my mom (if she were still here) to see me do, getting my nipple pierced is not one of them. But for Christina Milian that was something she dragged her mother to watch. Not only did she make her mama watch, she also forced the woman who gave birth to her to get a tattoo. On that note, the star of Christina Milian Turned Up said that it hurt more to get her nipple pierced than giving birth.
Not only did her mom watch, her friends and the workers on her show also got to see her get her new nipple ring.
What more is there to say because it all speaks for herself.


Chelsea Handler reportedly screws her staff
August 19th, 2014 under E!. [ Comments: none ]

When David Letterman switched networks, he took his staff with him. When Jay Leno moved to an earlier timeslot and back, he took his staff with him. When Conan O’Brien switched coasts, timeslots and networks, he took his staff with him. When Jimmy Fallon moved up an hour, he took his staff with him. Stephen Colbert said he is taking his staff from Comedy Central to CBS with him.
Well The NY Daily News is reporting today that Chelsea Handler is only taking two members of her staff with her to Netflix, even though she told them they would be going with her.
So I guess her bitchy persona isn’t just for television?
I wasn’t going to watch her show after the move because I find her completely unfunny, and now I definitely won’t be watching. If you can screw the people that make you look good, what does that say about you? I mean, look at how all the other late night hosts supported their staff, unlike her. Which is sad, very sad. Kind of like her humor.


Where are Chelsea Handler’s nipples?
August 14th, 2014 under E!. [ Comments: 1 ]

Chelsea Chandler Instagammed a photo of herself almost completely naked and I want to know where her nipples are? Am I the only one wondering what happened to them? Tell me I am not the only fascinated by this.


Botched is a beautiful show about correcting plastic surgery that went wrong!
June 24th, 2014 under E!. [ Comments: none ]

Botched debuts on E! tonight at 9p and you don’t want to miss this show that will change your perspective on plastic surgery.
Plastic surgery is more and more common these days, and we always seem to focus on the ones that have worked out. Well not all of them do, and Dr. Terry Dubrow and Dr. Paul Nassif are here to fix other people’s mistakes. On tonight’s season premiere, they help two women who desperately need them. One woman had such a bad boob job that her breasts are actually touching. It isn’t only that she has a uniboob, but they are causing her so much pain that she can’t even pick up her own child. So the doctors take a look at their options and tell her that she needs to go smaller than what she currently is and she is not OK with that. Will they be able to convince her to get the right size implants? And how will she look after they are done?
Then there is another woman, who was in a bad a car accident when she was younger and her nose was badly damaged in it. As bad as the initial accident was to it, it is not as awful what the previous plastic surgeons have done to her nose. Now the doctors have to fix it, but there is a chance the surgery will not work. Will they be able to give her a nose like you and me or we will she be stuck with the nose she has.
Then next week, they work on Janice Dickinson’s boobs and she drives them crazy. You just have to see what she puts them through. Let’s just say she does something that no other patient has ever done before her and hopefully none will do after her.
What makes Botched so interesting is you get too see them change people’s lives. You see them make something that was meant to be beautiful, but turned out ugly; finally become the beautiful thing that it was meant to be. It isn’t only what we get to see on the outside that effects these patients, but it is also how it effects them on the inside. Several of these patients suffer pain and/or breathing issues from their botched jobs and the doctors help them alleviate that and get them back to being normal again. It is for those reasons that this show is so touching and emotional, and a must watch.


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