Seriously? OMG! WTF? » I do declare The Royals is royally awesome!
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[ # ] I do declare The Royals is royally awesome!
March 15th, 2015 under E!, Elizabeth Hurley
If you think the real British Monarchy is fun to watch, they ain’t got nothing on the fake ones that make its grand entrance on E! tonight at 10p. The Royals is so bloody good, you will be bowing down to the show.
King Simon (Vincent Regan), is the King of England and he never really wanted the title. His wife is Queen Helena (Elizabeth Hurley) and she is a true Queen, a Queen B that is. She truly is the one who reigns over England and her dysfunctional family. Then there is their daughter Princess Elanor (Alexandra Park) and she is rebelling against her mom. She is so rebellious, the Tabloid Queen makes Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Kim Kardashian all look like angels. Her brother is Prince Liam (William Moseley) and he is a Playboy, who is second in line to be King.
That is until the day that his beloved brother mysteriously dies and now he is set to be the next King of England. When his mother hears the news about her late son, she immediately starts to groom Liam for the job. Only problem is that her husband wants to dissolve the Monarchy.
Helena eventually convinces her husband to stall his decision as she tries to clean up her family. Will she be able to do it?
While those are The Royals who are sitting on the throne, we also get to know the King’s brother and his two daughters. Prince Cyrus (Jake Maskall) always wanted to be King, but his brother was born first. Because of that he hates his brother. His two daughters (Lydia Rose Bewley and Hatty Preston) are like the dumbed-down naughty versions of Prince Andrew and Fergie’s daughters.
The Royals are not the British Royalty we know, but you will wish that they are. So get to know them tonight and every Sunday at 10p


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